Read books? Who's your fav authors?


Active Member
May 17, 2002
SF Bay Area
My favorite authors right now:

Hunter S. Thompson
H.P. Lovecraft
Notable authors:

Douglas Adams (rip)
Harry Harrison
Frank Herbert
Steve Martin (cruel shoes)
Laura and Tracy Hickman (original Dragonlance trilogy)

And yours?
Books are along with music my favorite occupations, although I've not been paying a lot of attention to my book collection lately.

Favorite authors?

William Blake
Charles Baudelaire
Terry Pratchett
William Shakespeare
T. S. Elliot
and quite a few others (been trying to get into William Burroughs lately but his style is a bit strange...)
Right now I'm reading:
Orson Scott Card - Alvin Journeyman
Dan Simmons - Hyperion saga (2 books to go)

All-time favorites:
Stephen King (all the good books, not the crappy ones :D )
William Gibson
Neil Gaiman (if you count in graphic novels... his normal one wasn't so great, just good)

Mika Waltari (though I've only read one of his, but that was great)
Jules Verne
Douglas Adams
Terry Pratchett
I read a lot of books when I was younger, but I think I haven't read a book outside of school work since 8th or 9th grade, which is 5-6 years ago!
When I read books I read a lot of the Danish write Dennis Jürgensen. He writes both horror and comedy. His book called "Monsteret i kælderen" (translates to "The monster in the basement") is among the best books I have EVER read. I don't know if it's avaliable in English, but I doubt it.
Another one of my favorite books is Stephen King's "The dark half". Those two are the best books I've ever read.
Tolkien and a bunch of political philosophy (Locke, Plato, Aristotle, Marx, Nietzsche, etc.) I disagree whole-heartedly with Nietzsche, Marx, and the like, but they still are a blast to read. I read the Los Angeles Times as well, but I'm not sure if any of them count as authors. :)
Yeah, Exquisite Corpse ( I knew what you mean :p ) Was a bit overdoing it on the brutal scale, but it wasn't thast bad.

Lost Souls is my favorite book ever.
1. Stephen King (can't wait for DT5 and DT6)
2. Friedrich Nietzsche
3. Karl Marx
4. Clive Cussler
5. Dante
6. Shakespeare

The Dark Tower series is by far the best work King has ever done. Perhaps even as great as Tolkien's trilogy, but.. maybe not.