Read The Memo; Sign The Petition


Joker's Favorite
Sep 28, 2004
In a vat
The major media organizations have been ignoring this issue since it became public, instead preferring to focus on such topics like the trial of Michael Jackson, Terry Shiavo (2 full weeks of headline status), the "Runaway Bride," (2 more weeks) the death of Pope John Paul II (another 2 weeks!) and other events which would normally be relegated to the back pages of the local sections of the newspapers. For those of you who don't keep active in issues of politics or have become frustrated at trying to find any ACTUAL news, there has been discussion among friends of mine of what's become known as the "Downing Street Memo."

What this is the minutes of a meeting with British Prime Minister Tony Blair that took place on July 23rd, 2002 - a full 8 months before the invasion of Iraq. What it states is that President George W. Bush was already planning on striking Iraq and was fixing the facts to fit the policy, rather than fixing the policy to the facts, so that an attack could be launched to remove Saddam Hussein from power using the events of 9/11, terrorism and the threat of weapons of mass destruction as an excuse.

This is being the case, the entire basis for taking this nation to war against Iraq was based on a series of lies by President Bush. For those of you that are paying attention, this means that not only has he lied to the world and to the American people, he has also lied to Congress to receive authorization to take this nation to war - an impeachable offense against the people of the United States.

Visit and read for yourself. Nobody in Britain has ever attempted to deny the veracity of this memo.

89 members of Congress want questions answered by President Bush. Congressman John Conyers is currently accepting signatures for a petition that he will present to President Bush to answer questions under oath regarding this memo.

Representative Conyers is also the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee.

For the sake of this nation and the sake of the office of the President, I'm asking you to repost this bulletin for others to read and sign the petition which may be found here at Mr. Conyers' website:{8B7B3A1E-B54B-47B6-B022-23EC345E4BEE}
At least the last president that was caught lying to the people only saw thousands of his sperm die and not thousands of our nation's young defenders; the only thing that was wounded was his presidency, not the thousands of kids now missing limbs and/or with severe mental trauma who are coming back homeless because they can't get work; that president was actually trying to do something about terrorism, but everyone claimed that he was bombing Afghanistan to distract people from the fact that he got a blowjob in the Oval Office.

It should also be noted that the Republican-dominated Senate couldn't even muster up a SIMPLE MAJORITY vote of whether or not he was guilty of lying in the first place (50/50 split).

Now, if it was worth the trouble to impeach Clinton for lying about getting blown by a woman that was not his wife, shouldn't it also be worth the trouble to impeach someone for leading us into a war based on a complete deception?

As of today, it's been 1361 days since George W. Bush said that he would catch Osama Bin Laden, "Dead or alive."

Now, answer this question: "Why are we in Iraq?"
sumairetsu said:
Now, answer this question: "Why are we in Iraq?"
1) "this is the man who tried to kill my father" yet if he actually listened to bush #1 he would have heard all the reasons why he didn't try to get hussein - "there was no viable exit plan" and there still isn't

2) oil oil oil oil oil oil oil oil oil oil oil oil

3) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

btw I signed the petition - thanks for the heads up :wave: