Dead Winter
I was in the military during the Clinton administration...or rather, the latter part of it. Although we had been downsized, most people put the blame on Clinton, when in fact, as it was already stated, Bush Sr. started that whole thing.Cryptkeeper said:Bush is doing his job right. He made the military stronger than it ever was when Clinton was in office. Once again, please don't tell me that you think the world would be safer with Saddam in power.
I'm in the Air Force. The Army is hurting for people so badly that they are begging for people who leave the Air Force to join the Army...when I leave the Air Force, which is a fucking great job, I'm DEFINITELY not going into the Army. I'm getting out of the military altogether, because we're stretched so thin that we're doing things that aren't even our jobs. The Army is looking to the AIR FORCE for convoy security. CONVOY SECURITY!!! That's the Army's job. Bush has completely wrecked his military. Before this whole fucked up war, the AF was a great way of life. Just like a regular corporate job with a little excitement. No wars, everything was fine. We travelled the globe training with our allies all over Europe and Asia...things were never better. There's no one yelling at you in the AF, there's no getting up at 4 in the fucking morning...I get outta bed, scratch my balls, get in the shower, and I'm at work by 730 am. I get off at 430. Yesterday I got a day off because it was my you can see, the rest of the services don't even consider us a real military...until they're begging for air support, then they're kissing our asses. Anyway, back to my point...
The military is in shambles right now. The Army is considering calling back people who have already separated!!! Do you realize that this is something unheard of? When enlist, you actually enlist for 8 years, but 4 of those are active...the other 4 are only for cases of extreme and dire emergencies, i.e., the country is under attack and everyone else is dead. NO ONE gets called during the last few years you're on inactive reserve, not to be confused with active reserve. Yet, they're thinking about putting this into effect, if they haven't already. What does this have to do with you? This is just one step shy of the draft.
I realize that the people of the world don't really dislike America or American people, unless they are Muslim extremists or people to whom you give a reason to dislike them. But we are tainted by the stigma of Bush, and as long as he's in power, we're going to have problems. People see America, and Bush pops into their mind, just as Clinton did a few years ago. However, that was when Clinton was very popular, and people loved America. The bottom line is this: America's foreign policies MUST change, if we expect to evolve and overcome this huge hurdle set before us.
As for me, I get out next year, will marry my girlfriend, who is Italian, and will spend my remaining years in Italy and Europe. I prefer Europe to America, even though Europe is less convenient, more tumultuous, and more expensive. I just returned from visiting my family in America, and had forgotten all about the stupid laws and bullshit Americans have to put up with. America has this "land of the free" thing going for it, but it's just as free as other countries, and in some cases, less so. Italy has a great system, although the social and economic system is in turmoil. Free college, free medical, free dental, etc...even though gasoline costs about 5$ per gallon. It's a small price to pay for going to university completely funded by the government. Ok, Berlusconi is a stronzo, probably moreso than Bush because when Bush says jump, Berlusconi asks how high. Even with all these problems, Europe is still a better place to live than in America...I can say this because I am American. America's freedoms they hold so dear and beat their chests about so much are quickly eroding away into nothingness.
Stop listening to your friends' and parents' opinions...most likely they're wrong anyway, just judging from the age-old argument, "Clinton killed the military". Clinton did cut funding to the military, but again, Bush Sr. killed off the majority of it. Also, the economy was fucking great with is it with Dubya? It's shit. So, in a nutshell:
We're in a quagmire that we don't know how to get out of...
There are no jobs on the homefront...
Everyone is either being laid off or can't find one...
The military is dying (literally)
People are getting out of the military faster than we can recruit them, and no one wants to be in the military at this time anyway...
The world hates America because of one man...
Bin Ladin is still on the loose...
John Ashcroft is peering into your home right now due to the Patriot Act...
When you go to another country, you can feel their disdain simply because you're American, when 10 years ago, if you visited that country, they'd be giving you backrubs and blowjobs just because you were American.
Where do we stand right now? Fucked, unless someone with some balls tells the Iraqis to start fighting for themselves. There's nothing like training Iraqis to fight for themselves against terrorism, only to have them run away and make you take the brunt of the fighting...some even joined the terrorists out of fear. These are the kind of people you're dealing with in Iraq, and you think it's going to be this flourishing country, when they don't even have the balls or pride to defend themselves? It's time to leave them alone and handle things on the homefront. America will always be the point of contact for world crises, but only if we can restore our credibility.