Pending Draft Legislation Targeted for Spring 2005

SirDidymus127 said:
let's just get a draft going so more of our americans can die in a fucking useless cause "protecting american people." yeah, because you know Iraq has the fucking ability to hurt our people. only people they're hurting are the ones we are SENDING over there.
Its things like this that makes me proud to be a canadian. Drafts are pretty ridiculas, and Im kinda shocked theyre drafting women as well... but I guess its only fair... not that any of it is fair.. I dunno what Im talking about... draft beer not people!
DarkNoise said:
Why do we always get involved in other countries' civil wars anyway? How would we have felt if the UK or Russia became directly involved in the American Civil War and forced it to go one way? There'd be a lot of peeved people.
actually the french got involved on the american side and peeved a lot of britts hehe.
unless that's a typo...I wouldn't worry too much about a bill from 2003 considering it is now 2004

and besides...not all military positions mean going to the battelfront and could end up being a deskjockey
fair enough, and i'm not worried about it... but i still stand by everything i stated...

i'm aware that nothing like that would pass... but i still think the whole thing is still fucked up... and that Bush is a horrible president