Read Time Magazine for stuff like this


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Read Time magazine's Michael Duffy for more shit like this. Duffy's describing the terrorist Highjacker #20 held at Guantanamo.

As horrible as it would be to do what he did -- was prepared to do -- he's a weirdly innocent guy.

Weird, yes. But innocent? Preparing to kill as many people as possible is Duffy's idea of being innocent?

He don't... He asked, for example, his captors whether the planets revolve around the sun. He wants to know about dinosaurs and how they died and what they were.

What the fuck has lack of education about dinosaurs and planets got to do with being innocent of mass murder? They may not have known about jurassic park, but the fuckers somehow knew how to graduate from flight school and pilot the biggest airplanes in the world.

I want to know what planet this mindless shithead Duffy lives on... it ain't earth!

He clearly has no knowledge of where Cuba is. He thinks it might be in Florida. He isn't exactly sure where Florida is, either.

Huh! This crazed killer sounds like the average American high school graduate. Except, graduates know a lot about dinosaurs.

He has very -- almost no understanding of the United States, or the US government or the Constitution or the Bible or Christianity.

He knows enough to want to kill every single one of us, though.

He's - he's childlike, uh, in his -- ignorant in an oddly 18th Century way.

Well, that's convenient, because we haven't seen brutish moslem atrocities like this since the holy wars of the 18th century.

Childlike! Is this Duffy fucker on crack, or is he just the biggest cocksucking shithead I've ever seen? And how does this asshole manage to claim a paycheck from Time Magazine?

So, you know, that emerges (sigh) that the hijackers -- 19 of whom have died and we'll never really get to know -- were children.

Yeah, yeh. Charming little orphans like Oliver Twist, except that, instead of singing in the streets, they're murdering thousands in flaming infernos!

Whay should he want to get to know them? Does he want a hot date with these throat-slashing killers?

Children who have been, you know, uh, convinced that this was a good way to spend their time, and not very, uhhh -- and he comes off that way.

Aww, see? Perhaps these childlike terrorists should have gone to summer camp instead of flight school.

Goddamnn! This is breath-taking.

People like Michael Duffy is allowed to say this stuff in public without being executed by outraged citizenry. I didn't even hear this shit pour out of his gutter-like mouth, and I feel like chaining him to my car and takin him for a drag.

In our grandfather's time, he'd be hauled off to prison and then quietly strangled to death by his fellow inmates.

Basically, Michael Duffy is a fucking piece of dog shit. Senator Ted Kennedy must be his flabby drunken gay lover. I can only assume that Duffy is the bitch.

Now its fuckin Sen. Dickhead von Durbin, an Illinois Democrat, took the Senate floor yesterday and likened American servicemen to Nazis:

When you read some of the graphic descriptions of what has occurred here [at Guantanamo Bay]--I almost hesitate to put them in the [Congressional] Record, and yet they have to be added to this debate. Let me read to you what one FBI agent saw. And I quote from his report:

Woo! He almost hesitates. What, will he faint from the horrors? Is he a man, or is he a walking, talking venereal disease? Let's find out.

On a couple of occasions, I entered interview rooms to find a detainee chained hand and foot in a fetal position to the floor, with no chair, food or water. Most times they urinated or defecated on themselves, and had been left there for 18-24 hours or more.

Sounds like what a brotha goes through in the Chicago precinct after being brought in on drug-dealing charges.

On one occasion, the air conditioning had been turned down so far and the temperature was so cold in the room, that the barefooted detainee was shaking with cold. .*.*.

Aww. I'm fuckin cold right now because the AC is on too high. Am I being tortured by my boss?

On another occasion, the [air conditioner] had been turned off, making the temperature in the unventilated room well over 100 degrees.

That's called the Hot Box Treatment, like what McQueen went through in the movie "Cool Hand Luke." Happens all the time on the Alabama Chain gang.

The detainee was almost unconscious on the floor, with a pile of hair next to him. He had apparently been literally pulling his hair out throughout the night.

So, the guy's either gone mad, or he's decided to become a gay bitch.

On another occasion, not only was the temperature unbearably hot, but extremely loud rap music was being played in the room, and had been since the day before, with the detainee chained hand and foot in the fetal position on the tile floor.

One of the guards was a brotha listening to Busta Rhymes. I gotta go through the same shit where I live.

If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime--Pol Pot or others--that had no concern for human beings.

Senator Dickhead Durbin doesn't know what any of these people did. Rap music was not the music of choice in a concentration camp. Uncomfortable conditions such as these are found in every American prison. God, the French prisons, in liberal ass-kissing France, make American prisons look like hotels.

Sadly, that is not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

Still don't understand the problem. What's the poor treatment here? Treating crazed murdering terrorists like American drug-dealers and car thieves is a problem?

Comment: We are fighting an enemy that murdered 3,000 innocent people on American soil 3*1/2 years ago and would murder millions more if given the chance--and according to Dick Durbin, our soldiers are the Nazis.

At least the editorial quoting Senator Shit Durbin had a decent response.

Durbin is such a piece of SHIT!! I'm not holding my breath but I hope because of these comments people in this state(Illinois) boot his ass out of office. You have to ask what fuckin' side is he on?? How dare he being a Senator of the United States liken our military to that of nazis. I'm so pissed right now I can't even type. GO TO HELL DURBIN!!! This is his e-mail. Help me tell him that he is way out of line and demand that he apologize on the sentate floor to our boys and girls in the military.
I am pissed too.

As far as I know, a Senator or Congressman can say anything he wants on the floor without being charged with slander or violating any other law. He is immune.

Just let that dirty, filthy, slanderous, lying, treacherous, back-stabbing, Osama-loving bestial animal Dick Durbin say one Fucking thing outside the Capitol building! There is an end to immunity for the worst, most hateful enemies of our beloved land!

Then Traitor Durbin must be seized by an angry mob, worked over, arrested, thrown into prison without medical attention, and finally subjected to capital punishment for his crimes against American citizens who are now in danger ascross the globe because Al-Jezeera and other jawa stations are replaying his filth over and over.

1. Durbin is a TRAITOR!

2. Durbin is aiding and abetting the enemy!

3. He is the fucking NAZI propaganda master, a Josef Goebbels who is baiting every American outside America's borders!

4. The mongel swine Durbin must be tried and convicted of high treason!

5. What did the U.S. government do to those traitors, the Rosenburgs? Of course, the Electric Chair is too fast a punishment for this filthy animal!

Dude..most of the people over here in the middle east are just like that duffy dude. They have an education/mindset of a 3rd grader. 2 kinds of people over here..filthy rich oil folks/dictators..or mildly retarded layman. Most have no concept of anything except what is in their small world they have created over here.

The world revolves around this place in their tiny minds. I mean..I am sitting here in Iraq right now...its goddamn 130 fucking degrees...who the fuck would live here???? MONGO RETARDS thats who.

Fuck this place and its people. Holy land my ass. If this is sacred land..then I hate to even imagine how shitty heaven must be.
I hear ya man. And I guarantee you that what those bastards at Gitmo are going through is childs play compared to what all the innocent went through in the twin towers. Fuck those goddamn sandpeople!