Real Oktava's or Fake Oktava's?


Mar 30, 2005
Some years ago a friend of mine bought a pair of used Oktava's but he didn't use them anymore so I borrow them.
Initially I didn't find nothing weird but after watching a guide to recognize real oktavas and chinese oktavas I started to check them a little more.
They are 1 mc-012-01 and 1 mk-012-01.


The 2 mics


MC-012 strange cardioid symbol stamp


MC-012 left (no serial number) and MK-012 right (Serial number)


MC-012 inside


MK-012 inside

What do you think? To me the MK could be a real Oktava but the MC......I don't know.
Here is a quote from Micheal Joly who mods these when i asked him how to tell if they are real or fake....

"If your mics have small, silver slotted screws at the XLR end (and not black Philips screws) they are authentic Russian '012s. Forget everything else - MK / MC, serial number yes / no, ASM etc. Just go by the screws - end of story."
^ That's good info inf it's true, although it probably isn't difficult to switch the phillips screws for slotted ones.
Here is a quote from Micheal Joly who mods these when i asked him how to tell if they are real or fake....

"If your mics have small, silver slotted screws at the XLR end (and not black Philips screws) they are authentic Russian '012s. Forget everything else - MK / MC, serial number yes / no, ASM etc. Just go by the screws - end of story."


I have some original ones and there MC(doesnt necessarily have to say MK that mean there just made somewhere else in Russia I believe.

Have you checked this link
Yes...if I compare mines with those pics I would say they are both real oktava's...but the "black screw" thing is a little unsure...I mean, they can build another fake model with white screw...
As you can see, the contacts are both grey and not gold.
I don't know
They both sound real. No harsh hypertrophied chinese top end, no graininess, a nice shhhhhhh rather than a ugly crrrrr... They're fine.