real snare tips eq and comp?

Okay man as far as EQ goes you really are not going to get any good help other than general idea. I start with a cut by cranking up the q so the band is very narrow and gain it all the way up. Then I sweep it until I find that shitty ring that 99% of all snares have, it usually happens in the 1k range but it is gonna be different snare to snare. Then I do it again, then again till I get a snare that doesn't ring as much. Then I boost at... you know what? Just go here it's good info:

Here read this Andy Sneap's words verbatim taken from the Noise101 wiki:

Snare Compression:
"Try dialing in your snare comp by setting the ratio to max, then opening the attack till you get a real pop, then back the ratio back down to 2:1 or 4:1, quick release, then see how its sitting"
I usually EQ out a little between 6-700 to get rid of that skanky ring sound, but I'm usually going for a more mellow or thicker sound than most of the guys here that do a lot of metal action. I dig reall old school classic rock drums sounds, but whatever.

For compression, I usually start with 5:1 ratio, 20ms attack, almost instant release then tweak around and see what it sounds like.
I love using parallel compression too. Usually just for the kick and snare, but i sometimes send all drums and completely crush them to hell and mix them in as well.

It's all just experimenting and finding what works well for the particular song. Focus on the "groove" and feel should be the most important factor with drums. If it sounds huge as fuck but doesn't groove; i don't wanna hear it.