some help with toms eq and comp?

Its hard to give you settings when we don't know what you are dealing with, and what you are looking to achieve.

Even still, play around with a parametric EQ and you will find the attack of the toms around 4kHz, boosting 800Hz will give a more old school sound/cutting it a more modern sound. The low mids and lows are pretty crucial to getting your toms to cut through nicely so have a play down there too.

Compressor wise, do whats needed - I don't compress them unless they need it.

That's a 12" tom, miced with a 504


that's a 16" floor miced with a 904

I usually keep the attack at the same frequency for consistency, look for the right frequency to trigger the gate and look for the right frequency for the bottom end and see what you need to scoop to get rid of the woodiness (usually the lower the tom, the lower you wanna boost and scoop.

compressor wise: slow attack, quick release is what it's all about, keep the transients alive and add some punch
ManegarM, I tried Emailing but the Emails were undeliverable.

Here's the Compressor and EQ settings

TLs-4095 -> CurvEQ

