black metal settings

korpse pop, everyone's just playing man, I don't know why you're getting offended. I think you're not getting many serious detailed answers, because there is generally little serious production effort or detail that goes into making the recordings.
Seriously, if you have to ask how to get a tr00 kvlt black metal sound, you're doing it very, very wrong.

EDIT: And because I realised I'm just being an ass by saying that, and not really helping at all, here's some more pointers.

1) Experiment with all your microphones to find one that can get the meanest, most horribly fucked up sound possible. Find the one that appeals to you most, and stick with it. Better to use different mic's on different instruments so you can at least TRY and mix it a bit.

2) If you want to be a purist about your recording, don't go anywhere near dynamics controls. If you have to process anything for whatever reason, record it again. If the drummer isn't bashing the absolute life out of his drum kit with every hit, find a better drummmer.

3) Use natural reverb wherever possible. If you can record in a shit-huge room, you win. If not, try the old reverb chamber techniques - the cave suggestion wouldn't turn out that bad if you could get a setup to record that as your chamber. It'd definitely sound different, and that's what you want.

4) Guitars? It's up to you. Just keep that bass dial at zero. Remember that the majority of your 'tone' will come from the microphone in the end with this sort of recording, you're not aiming for clarity here.
korpse pop, everyone's just playing man, I don't know why you're getting offended.
I know, I was very very drunk last night and just playing along like everyone else, how could I really get offended by a thread about bm production :D

But anyway, a lo-fi bm production is an artform too, it takes experience and skill to get just the right kind of horrible sound and I think the key is to experiment different techniques/settings
IMO the genius of Varg -amongst other things- is that with 'good' production, that old aggresive music of his could kick the living hell out of most anything you hear these days (and I'm not even a fan of minimalism).

I've always refused to believe that statement about early Mayhem/Burzum being 'raw'.. I mean, it IS raw and the equipments could have been somewhat shitty maybe, but something recorded in a truly n00b way sounds more tipically like what Sloan posted --> no pun intended ;)

To the OP > FYI- We black metallers are definitely a minority on this forum (weird, considering how the man himself Andy recorded them Dimmu blackesque guys not long ago), so bear with the metalcore legions (and the skinny tatas :lol:) - Still, you didn't help your case with your semi-serious(?) question

And also, welcome to the forum! \m/