- Oct 7, 2002
- 2,688
- 12
- 38
First off, a big thank you to Twilight X for organising this interview!
I don't think this band needs much of an intro? Yesterday we got the chance to speak to Anders from In Flames. Covering a whole range of stuff, from the new album through to touring and on to other things... Read and enjoy!
Anders F: Hi, This is Anders from In Flames
Sammy S: Hello Anders, I cant believe that were actually speaking to you, this is unbelievable
Anders: [laughing] I cant believe Im speaking to you either!
Sammy: [laughing] No, ja, well, Thank you!
Ok, theres 2 of us that are going to be interviewing you, we both play for SacriFist. I play guitar and weve got Jacques on vocals
You are busy recording your 10th album, is that correct?
Anders: Uuuh, no, I think this is our 7th full length album, yeah weve done some EPs and stuff like that
SS: And what can we expect from this album?
AF: It Rules!
SS: Hahahaha, any In Flames stuff rules in my opinion
AF: Ah, its a great album, its the only album you need to listen to for 2004 Aaah, Im just joking, haha, Im just joking Its a really great album and Im really proud of it and its got 12 great songs on there and, you know, its really good In Flames songs and it represents In Flames in 2004-02-19
SS: After the recording, are there any touring plans scheduled? And Where?
AF: Uh, were starting at home in Gothenburg, 16th of April, then the european tour which is short but well do another longer on at the end of this year. In May were going to the states and then come back in June do europe and do festivals and, you know, well just continue touring for the rest of the year from April and on. Its pretty busy. ( Edit: Tour dates indicate more like
July. In Flames is doing European Dates in June)
SS: Yeah, I can imagine [laughs]
SS: What is your favourite In Flames Album?
AF: The latest one, its gotta be, you know. I like all of our albums, all of them are very important but Ive heard the other ones more than Ive heard this one so I guess its a bit more fresh, you know
SS: So youd say the latest one is the best so far?
AF: The latest uuh, I mean, for now
SS: So for the moment
AF: Exactly
SS: What is your favourite In Flames song or the most energetic for you?
AF: Oh . I dunno
SS: [laughing] You should say all of them
AF: Yeah, I want to answer that question, but its kinda boring to say all of them but its hard to take just one song
SS: I know that feeling very well... Now, After going to your website we found out that In Flames is going to tour with Metallica. Are you changing your style of music to cater for a more commercial market or for more exposure?
AF: Were not changing our music for anything and we just right the best fucking songs we can and we played one show with Metallica and thats just a cool feeling, you know. Thats a band Ive listened to enough since I was a kid but that doesnt change my way of writing music and were not changing, I mean, were still an extreme band if you listen to the new album. Youll shit in your pants at how extreme it is at some times, you know. I dunno, were far from mainstream. I mean were still a band that screams and playes double bass and stuff like that
SS: Hell yeah!
On Lunar Strain , the song, Everlost pt. II, who is the female that did vocals on there?
AF: I have no I dont remember. I dont remember who it is and Ill have to see in the booklet It says in the booklet somewhere cos I wasnt in the band at that point, I joined the band after Subterranean.
SS: More of a personal question. How old are you?
AF: 30
SS: Is everyone in the band married or single?
AF: Um, most of us have relationships, yes and some of the guys are dads, Peter Daniel and Bjorn all got small girls
SS: Likewise
AF: And me and Jesper, we dont have any kids yet but, yeah
SS: [laughing] You shoud stay that way
AF: Yeah, no kids are great
SS: I know, Ive got one of my own.
Now, have you ever heard any South African Metal bands? And if so, what were your thoughts?
AF: You know what, I heard something, sometime ago but I cant remember so I cant mention any, you know
SS: Are you willing to play in South Africa?
AF: Yeah, sure! If we get a good offer, you know. We dont have anything against [laughs] South Africa or any country. Well go to any country if we get a good offer and the atmosphere is nice, you know?
SS: Yeah, you should come and try it out
AF: [laughs] Yeah! Ive heard good things from my friends in The Haunted who were in South Africa
SS: Next, does In Flames have any day jobs or is the band a full time resposibility?
AF: In Flames takes too much time to have a different job, I mean, were constantly touring. Its our hobby or our job or whatever you want to call it but we can live from the music. Definitely a full time responsibility
SS: Ok, What microphone do you use?
AF: A Shure microphone, I have a wireless, its probably a
SS: Apart from having the best vocals in the world [all three laugh], what is Anders Fridéns Biggest love?
AF: DVDs, I watch a lot of movies. I buy a lot of DVDs when Im out touring.
SS: So that would be your favourite thing?
AF: I mean, to play music and be in a band, In Flames, is the greatest thing and to be able to write great songs that people appreciate, thats also something good and I listen to a lot of music but to escape, you know, to disappear I need to do something else. When Im home I watch DVDs or go to the cinema or whatever
SS: Ok, what inspires you when you write lyrics?
AF: Um, my personal life and things that I go through, you know, thoughts on the outside world and whatever happens in my surroundings
SS: Your music is extremely melodic and very well arranged, how do you go about putting a song together?
AF: How we put a song together? I write all the lyrics but its not one guy who writes the song. For the most part its Bjorn and Jesper who writes the riffs, you know, either they come with parts, and we jam something or they write a bigger part of the song but then, you know, we all arrange the songs together and I kinda describe how I want the mood and then I write the lyrics on top
SS: Ok
Jacques K: Uh Can I ask a few questions? [laughs]
SS: Um, yeah, Im gonna let Jacques ask a few questions, hes ready to kill me here if I dont let him speak to you [laughs] so here he is .
JK: Hello Anders
AF: Hi
JK: I must say, its an extreme honour to talk to you
If you were to play in South Africa, what would you expect to see when you come here?
AF: What would I expect to see? Plenty people there hopefully that are happy that are happy we are there [laughs] I dont know I dont know that much about your country and how it looks. I heard from friends in The Haunted who were there and they were on this Safari and that was supposed to be really nice, they say.
JK: And apart from in flames, are there any other project bands that you and the rest of the guys are involved with?
AF: Well, I have another band called Passenger thats released an album and we are about to record another one and Jesper, our guitar player, hes in another band called Dimension Zero whove released two full lengths and a mini-ep
JK: Can you please tell us, what did it take to get signed?
AF: Good songs!
SS: And good attitude?
AF: Well, yeah, hopefully you get signed because they see you have great potential and great songs. [great attitude] Hopefully [laughs]
SS: What kind of music do you listen to when youre alone?
AF: Uh, something calm, some challenging music maybe, like Portishead
SS: Now, have you ever visited the South African site, Twilight X? If not WHY NOT? [laughs]
AF: No, never, but I will, definitely. Because you tell me to [laughs]. I didnt know about it
SS: Uuuh, where are we Do you have any idea that In Flames is held in such high regard here in South Africa? To the extent that two of your songs, Only for the Weak and Episode 666 are actually covered by two local Metal bands, SacriFist and Tyburn
AF: Yeah? Oh, thats cool! I didnt know [laughs] Really cool
SS: Out of all the countries you have visited, which would you say was your favourite country so far that youve seen?
AF: I really like Mexico, that was cool. Its very different from where I come from. We went to see some old cultural suff, you know, the Pyramids that the indians built, some temples and stuff like that. Then, Im a big fan of Sushi [Jacques: Oooo
] so Japan was really nice [laughs]
SS: What was one of the weirdest things you have witnessed while on tour?
AF: [thinks] I dont really remember. Theres a lot of stupid stuff and strange things happen when youre on the road but its like its so crazy its not worth mentioning and maybe for other people its not as fun as it is for us. When youre on tour youve gotta make up stupid things.
SS: Yeah, to keep yourself busy?
AF: Yes!
JK: Anders, when you guys plan a tour, who decides where youre going to play? Is it the band member or is it purely managements decision?
AF: Ah, well, we get offers first off. When we release an album, for instance and were getting ready to tour, we have a booking company that asks the promoters in different countries who wants us to come. Then the promoter in that actual country must come up with an offer, then the booking company tells our management what kind of offers weve got and then management tells us where we should be, when we should be. We can always say yes and no, you know, but first off it comes from the promoter in the actual country
SS: Ok [laughs] we were sitting last night until God knows what time of the night trying to think of questions to ask you, and the most original and the most original one we could come up with was this: After this interview, can we regard you as a close personal friend? [laughs]
AF: Ha, if you like [laughs]
JK: Anders, out of all the covers that the band has ever done, which is your favourite?
AF: Uuuh, Land of Confusion!
SS: Last question: What does the future hold for In Flames? Short term and long term.
AF: Touring, touring, constantly touring, see nothing else but new cities inside of a tour bus with a bottle of whiskey [laughs]
SS: Hell yeah!
JK: Ha, how many more years can you expect to do that?
AF: Til Ive got grey hairs, I dont know. Til its not fun anymore When we cant write music that we believe in, then well stop
SS: Good. Good, good, good!
Ok, thank you, that was it!
AF: Thank you and hopefully we can come to your country
JK: And thank you very much!
SS: Ja, we cant wait to see you guys, its fucken torture!
JK: Big time torture! [laughs]
AF: Youll have to travel somewhere else then, if we can come to your country then you should come to us
SS: Ok, well make you a deal, you come to South Africa first and we spoil you rotten and then well come to Sweden
AF: [laughs] Alright!
SS: Anders, thanks again for your time and best of luck for the new album
AF: And thank you and good luck with the band and everything.
JK: Thank you, we appreciate that!
AF: Take care!
SS: Likewise
AF: Bye bye
JK: Bye bye
I don't think this band needs much of an intro? Yesterday we got the chance to speak to Anders from In Flames. Covering a whole range of stuff, from the new album through to touring and on to other things... Read and enjoy!
Anders F: Hi, This is Anders from In Flames
Sammy S: Hello Anders, I cant believe that were actually speaking to you, this is unbelievable
Anders: [laughing] I cant believe Im speaking to you either!
Sammy: [laughing] No, ja, well, Thank you!
Ok, theres 2 of us that are going to be interviewing you, we both play for SacriFist. I play guitar and weve got Jacques on vocals
You are busy recording your 10th album, is that correct?
Anders: Uuuh, no, I think this is our 7th full length album, yeah weve done some EPs and stuff like that
SS: And what can we expect from this album?
AF: It Rules!
SS: Hahahaha, any In Flames stuff rules in my opinion
AF: Ah, its a great album, its the only album you need to listen to for 2004 Aaah, Im just joking, haha, Im just joking Its a really great album and Im really proud of it and its got 12 great songs on there and, you know, its really good In Flames songs and it represents In Flames in 2004-02-19
SS: After the recording, are there any touring plans scheduled? And Where?
AF: Uh, were starting at home in Gothenburg, 16th of April, then the european tour which is short but well do another longer on at the end of this year. In May were going to the states and then come back in June do europe and do festivals and, you know, well just continue touring for the rest of the year from April and on. Its pretty busy. ( Edit: Tour dates indicate more like
July. In Flames is doing European Dates in June)
SS: Yeah, I can imagine [laughs]
SS: What is your favourite In Flames Album?
AF: The latest one, its gotta be, you know. I like all of our albums, all of them are very important but Ive heard the other ones more than Ive heard this one so I guess its a bit more fresh, you know
SS: So youd say the latest one is the best so far?
AF: The latest uuh, I mean, for now
SS: So for the moment
AF: Exactly
SS: What is your favourite In Flames song or the most energetic for you?
AF: Oh . I dunno
SS: [laughing] You should say all of them
AF: Yeah, I want to answer that question, but its kinda boring to say all of them but its hard to take just one song
SS: I know that feeling very well... Now, After going to your website we found out that In Flames is going to tour with Metallica. Are you changing your style of music to cater for a more commercial market or for more exposure?
AF: Were not changing our music for anything and we just right the best fucking songs we can and we played one show with Metallica and thats just a cool feeling, you know. Thats a band Ive listened to enough since I was a kid but that doesnt change my way of writing music and were not changing, I mean, were still an extreme band if you listen to the new album. Youll shit in your pants at how extreme it is at some times, you know. I dunno, were far from mainstream. I mean were still a band that screams and playes double bass and stuff like that
SS: Hell yeah!
On Lunar Strain , the song, Everlost pt. II, who is the female that did vocals on there?
AF: I have no I dont remember. I dont remember who it is and Ill have to see in the booklet It says in the booklet somewhere cos I wasnt in the band at that point, I joined the band after Subterranean.
SS: More of a personal question. How old are you?
AF: 30
SS: Is everyone in the band married or single?
AF: Um, most of us have relationships, yes and some of the guys are dads, Peter Daniel and Bjorn all got small girls
SS: Likewise
AF: And me and Jesper, we dont have any kids yet but, yeah
SS: [laughing] You shoud stay that way
AF: Yeah, no kids are great
SS: I know, Ive got one of my own.
Now, have you ever heard any South African Metal bands? And if so, what were your thoughts?
AF: You know what, I heard something, sometime ago but I cant remember so I cant mention any, you know
SS: Are you willing to play in South Africa?
AF: Yeah, sure! If we get a good offer, you know. We dont have anything against [laughs] South Africa or any country. Well go to any country if we get a good offer and the atmosphere is nice, you know?
SS: Yeah, you should come and try it out
AF: [laughs] Yeah! Ive heard good things from my friends in The Haunted who were in South Africa
SS: Next, does In Flames have any day jobs or is the band a full time resposibility?
AF: In Flames takes too much time to have a different job, I mean, were constantly touring. Its our hobby or our job or whatever you want to call it but we can live from the music. Definitely a full time responsibility
SS: Ok, What microphone do you use?
AF: A Shure microphone, I have a wireless, its probably a

SS: Apart from having the best vocals in the world [all three laugh], what is Anders Fridéns Biggest love?
AF: DVDs, I watch a lot of movies. I buy a lot of DVDs when Im out touring.
SS: So that would be your favourite thing?
AF: I mean, to play music and be in a band, In Flames, is the greatest thing and to be able to write great songs that people appreciate, thats also something good and I listen to a lot of music but to escape, you know, to disappear I need to do something else. When Im home I watch DVDs or go to the cinema or whatever
SS: Ok, what inspires you when you write lyrics?
AF: Um, my personal life and things that I go through, you know, thoughts on the outside world and whatever happens in my surroundings
SS: Your music is extremely melodic and very well arranged, how do you go about putting a song together?
AF: How we put a song together? I write all the lyrics but its not one guy who writes the song. For the most part its Bjorn and Jesper who writes the riffs, you know, either they come with parts, and we jam something or they write a bigger part of the song but then, you know, we all arrange the songs together and I kinda describe how I want the mood and then I write the lyrics on top
SS: Ok
Jacques K: Uh Can I ask a few questions? [laughs]
SS: Um, yeah, Im gonna let Jacques ask a few questions, hes ready to kill me here if I dont let him speak to you [laughs] so here he is .
JK: Hello Anders
AF: Hi
JK: I must say, its an extreme honour to talk to you
If you were to play in South Africa, what would you expect to see when you come here?
AF: What would I expect to see? Plenty people there hopefully that are happy that are happy we are there [laughs] I dont know I dont know that much about your country and how it looks. I heard from friends in The Haunted who were there and they were on this Safari and that was supposed to be really nice, they say.
JK: And apart from in flames, are there any other project bands that you and the rest of the guys are involved with?
AF: Well, I have another band called Passenger thats released an album and we are about to record another one and Jesper, our guitar player, hes in another band called Dimension Zero whove released two full lengths and a mini-ep
JK: Can you please tell us, what did it take to get signed?
AF: Good songs!
SS: And good attitude?
AF: Well, yeah, hopefully you get signed because they see you have great potential and great songs. [great attitude] Hopefully [laughs]
SS: What kind of music do you listen to when youre alone?
AF: Uh, something calm, some challenging music maybe, like Portishead
SS: Now, have you ever visited the South African site, Twilight X? If not WHY NOT? [laughs]
AF: No, never, but I will, definitely. Because you tell me to [laughs]. I didnt know about it
SS: Uuuh, where are we Do you have any idea that In Flames is held in such high regard here in South Africa? To the extent that two of your songs, Only for the Weak and Episode 666 are actually covered by two local Metal bands, SacriFist and Tyburn
AF: Yeah? Oh, thats cool! I didnt know [laughs] Really cool
SS: Out of all the countries you have visited, which would you say was your favourite country so far that youve seen?
AF: I really like Mexico, that was cool. Its very different from where I come from. We went to see some old cultural suff, you know, the Pyramids that the indians built, some temples and stuff like that. Then, Im a big fan of Sushi [Jacques: Oooo

SS: What was one of the weirdest things you have witnessed while on tour?
AF: [thinks] I dont really remember. Theres a lot of stupid stuff and strange things happen when youre on the road but its like its so crazy its not worth mentioning and maybe for other people its not as fun as it is for us. When youre on tour youve gotta make up stupid things.
SS: Yeah, to keep yourself busy?
AF: Yes!
JK: Anders, when you guys plan a tour, who decides where youre going to play? Is it the band member or is it purely managements decision?
AF: Ah, well, we get offers first off. When we release an album, for instance and were getting ready to tour, we have a booking company that asks the promoters in different countries who wants us to come. Then the promoter in that actual country must come up with an offer, then the booking company tells our management what kind of offers weve got and then management tells us where we should be, when we should be. We can always say yes and no, you know, but first off it comes from the promoter in the actual country
SS: Ok [laughs] we were sitting last night until God knows what time of the night trying to think of questions to ask you, and the most original and the most original one we could come up with was this: After this interview, can we regard you as a close personal friend? [laughs]
AF: Ha, if you like [laughs]
JK: Anders, out of all the covers that the band has ever done, which is your favourite?
AF: Uuuh, Land of Confusion!
SS: Last question: What does the future hold for In Flames? Short term and long term.
AF: Touring, touring, constantly touring, see nothing else but new cities inside of a tour bus with a bottle of whiskey [laughs]
SS: Hell yeah!
JK: Ha, how many more years can you expect to do that?
AF: Til Ive got grey hairs, I dont know. Til its not fun anymore When we cant write music that we believe in, then well stop
SS: Good. Good, good, good!
Ok, thank you, that was it!
AF: Thank you and hopefully we can come to your country
JK: And thank you very much!
SS: Ja, we cant wait to see you guys, its fucken torture!
JK: Big time torture! [laughs]
AF: Youll have to travel somewhere else then, if we can come to your country then you should come to us
SS: Ok, well make you a deal, you come to South Africa first and we spoil you rotten and then well come to Sweden
AF: [laughs] Alright!
SS: Anders, thanks again for your time and best of luck for the new album
AF: And thank you and good luck with the band and everything.
JK: Thank you, we appreciate that!
AF: Take care!
SS: Likewise
AF: Bye bye
JK: Bye bye