Reamping Help needed Asap!


Apr 8, 2006
I'm a complete 100% noob to reamping, So my question is. Can anyone give me the chain to how I get this badboy working? (no instructions included with it). I'm using a 'redeye reamp/di box' with a 'Line 6 UX2 Toneport', 'Logic Pro', any help towards this will be much appreciated.
Interface/Sound card output (select a different output port than what you use for monitoring the song itself
-> Redeye instrument in
-> Redeye reamp out (remember to select reamp mode via the button, when it's up it's in reamp mode. When pressed down it's in DI mode)
-> Very short cable
-> Guitar amp input (or if you use any pedals in front, into them just like you would a guitar)
Right I've tried it without the redeye, and have had a better sound (No feedback). Right, i'm gonna prob sound stupid now, whats the point of the redeye if I can get a reamped signal without one anyway???? The other weird thing is, I can here it from the other room, but when I turn on the moniters its only playing the clean signal???
No i'm going mono from the analogue output
Oh you don't have Red-eye instructions? Did you try the ground button? Go to the littlelabs web site for the manual. There's also a button inside the redeye you need to know about -- you can only access it with a paperclip or small screwdriver.
The probs not really the sound, but the monitering (i'm going crazy here I swear). cant get the mic signal to go through gearbox now (beyond me). only havin this prob since i got the redeye, and to be honest not sure why i have it now :zombie: as i'm getting a reamp signal without it, :hypno:
I've got my signal going into the instrument on the front of the redeye, a lead coming from the intrument on the back going into the amp, getting a great sound. But the mic inent picking up the guitar atall through gearbox. I'm behind work because of this, to say i'm f***ed off would be a understatment :mad: . I've had it with this reamp malarky, Sorry to sound like a whining asshole guys, but its just one of those days today, my mind is exhausted, I can not see why its not working? is the Line 6 Toneport not compatible for reamping??