Reamping Services Available


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
Hey guys, since I cant find my last thread to update with the new amps I have available I just opened a new thread. If this isn't OK Lasses just delete this one and point me to my old one please. I don think the sneap search can search the for sale forum :(

Available Amps:
Peavey 5150 Sig (JJ's and =C= Tubes)
Krank Krankensten rev1
94 Mesa Boogie Dual Recto Trem-O-Verb
78 Marshall JMP 2203
Mesa Triple Recifier
Mesa Nomad
Peavey 6505+
Marshall JCM800 100W
Marshall JCM900 (not the SLX)
Marshall DSL and TSL 100's
Roland JC120
Vox AC-15
Vox AC-30

Cabs Available:
Mesa Rectifier Oversized V30
Mesa Standard C-90s
71 Marshall w/ V30s + GT65's
Marshall 1960A/B w/ T-75's
Mesa 2x12 Closed Back w/V30s
Mesa 2x12 Closed Back w/ C-90's
Mesa Boogie 4x12 Half Open with Black Shadow's

Mics Available:
Audix i5
Sennheiser e609


You can also visit my studio site for sound samples:

Contact me for my discounted "UM Forum" Rate.

PLEASE DO NOT PM ME HERE AS I DO NOT GET NOTIFICATION OF PM VIA EMAIL! Conact me via email at jcohenlv at gmail dot com.

just a heads up, when i click on your studio link you provided it says server not found.

Edit: Your backstage metal link doesn't work for me either? Every other page loads fine for me. Weird
It's your computer apparently, because it works here.:wave:

thanks. Thats weird seeing as how I can see every other page and all my plugins are working fine. I did just install a 64 bit version of windows 7 but i doubt that has anything to do with it. And I dont have any virus protection software running. Thanks again for that confirmation