Reamping with the 003R

Zack Uidl

Feb 4, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Hey guys,

I need to do some reamping with the 003R that the studio I work for as a session musician got me.

I have done this in the past with great results. However, the past three days I have been trying to do this, but the hum/noise that comes from the amp is overwhelming now. (It has seemed to gradually get worse.)

I am pretty sure the noise is coming from the 003R, but am not 100% on this.

The noise is cutting through on the guitar parts in some areas, but overall the issue is that it is severely damaging the tone that I have, which I really like. It is causing it to become more muddy.

I have messed with the ground switches, both on the X amp and the 6505+ I am using, tried different outputs on the 003R for the signal, etc. Hopefully I am just being an idiot and missing something obvious, but right now, I am just frustrated with this situation right now. :) Hopefully someone can help me figure out how to eliminate the noise.

Does anyone here use the 003R or something similar when reamping? If so, what output do you use? How do you control the noise? Suggestions?

I am using the 003R with Radial X-amp, into the 6505+.

Anything is really appreciated. I don't think I am missing something obvious, but who knows.
Well, it was recorded about 5 feet from the monitor. The noise has to do with the connection though, the DI's are fine. As soon as I connect everything and take the amp off standby, the noise begins.

The cables are fine, I believe the x amp and 003r are also. So that is why I am kind of stumped right now.

Thanks for your help so far bro. Appreciate it.
Im not sure if genius meant a computer monitor but if not then id add that yeh those can add some unwanted nosie to the signal if yer close to them when recording, other than that id see if it was something that could be fixed with a power conditioner in fact its probally something to do with the power or your amp. I dono im a little drunk jus tryin to help.
I use a 002R with a Little Labs redeye. I've used any of the outputs 3-8 for reamping. There is hum unless the ground switch on the redeye is lifted, but no noise.

Try running everything on the same power source.
Thanks Jesse Z. I have tried everything from the same power source and still there is the really loud hum. Wouldn't be a big deal but it is affecting the tone so it is now.

I have been using the same outputs as you also, so I do not know why mine is so bad.
So I just tried it again now, without changing anything, and the hum/noise issue is gone! What the hell?

Don't understand it since absolutely nothing changed since I set things up before. Seems really strange to me.

Oh well, hopefully it doesn't come back. Thanks for all your input guys, appreciate it
I love when problems fix themselves!

From what I understand, depending on where the studio is located relative to other buildings and things, the electricity can become "dirty" if someone nearby is drawing a lot of current from the grid. For example, if I was using a mixer (the kind for baking :lol: ) in my kitchen, it makes the TV picture all noisy and distorted. Could be a similar situation at your studio, like, if there's a bakery next door. :lol:
I love when problems fix themselves!

From what I understand, depending on where the studio is located relative to other buildings and things, the electricity can become "dirty" if someone nearby is drawing a lot of current from the grid. For example, if I was using a mixer (the kind for baking :lol: ) in my kitchen, it makes the TV picture all noisy and distorted. Could be a similar situation at your studio, like, if there's a bakery next door. :lol:

So you're saying never build a studio next to a Bakery, right? :lol:
No, it is not next to a bakery :) But good thoughts for the future when I move :)

It might have been something with my neighbor's actually now that you bring that up. They having work done on their house so that might have been it. Who knows. Glad it worked itself out though.

Appreciate the input everyone.