Reaper Customizations pt 2

How much would this be worth to you?

  • I think it's a bad idea and not worth your time

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • $5

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • $10

    Votes: 10 23.3%
  • $15

    Votes: 16 37.2%
  • $20+

    Votes: 8 18.6%

  • Total voters


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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Sorry if the thread title is deceiving but I'm trying to garner interest for a more complete and v4-specific version of my Reaper customizations

For a long time I've been intending on putting out a more up to date Reaper configuration. The last thread I created was a big success and contained lots of cool stuff in addition to the configuration settings themselves.

The problem is my whole workflow basically needs an instruction manual of it's own and I don't like putting stuff out there without proper instructions/documentation. I'd really like to be able to put together a whole package including the configuration, a large and professional PDF document outlining the entire workflow from project setup to tracking to mixing to mastering as well as a couple of hours worth of high quality narrated videos (much better than the flash Jing videos I've used in the past where you can't hear the DAW audio.)

In addition to basic stuff like what the key commands are and how to edit using my mouse setup and stuff, it would also go over a large number of "tips and tricks" like I did before. I'd like to either include or offer separately a massive in depth drum editing section where I basically take you through an entire song and outline every possible problem you can run into while drum editing and how to deal with it, professionally documented, organized and indexed so that it would be easy to read and digest.

Obviously this is a big time commitment for me to put out something of the quality I am envisioning it to be, so I'm wondering if there are enough people interested in paying a small chunk of change for it to make it worth my while. If it doesn't look like there's enough demand I won't bother, but of course still don't mind helping people out here and there and offering tips and advice like I have for years to other Reaper users.

So let me know if this is a project you guys would be interested in. Hopefully it is because I think it would be really cool to have this sort of reference available!
I put 15, but would pay 20, but didnt pick 20 because 20+ is a bit potentially infinite.
I would put in $15 also (possibly more if needs be).

Even though i am currently using Studio One and really like the work flow (well mostly).
Yeah I'd pay about the same, particularily interested in the way(s) in which you go about tracking stuff and the methods/customisations you find to be most efficient regarding that, also as many different editing tricks as possible beyond just slip editing/BD would be nice.

The PDF inclusion would be awesome because to be honest being of the impatient variety I find that videos, although nice, always have a lot of filler and I like to get to the crux of the matter quickly.
I would gladly pay 20/25 bucks (I put 15 by mistake on the poll)

So...when will this be done? :3 >.<
I'd gladly pay $20 or more. Before you put up the first thread I knew nothing about proper workflow, now I'm able to work through projects with such ease and little to no confusion. So basically I owe you one anyways and of course I'd love to hear more about the further customizations in detail.
I'd pay up to 100$ for this man.

Your workflow is perfect man... It allowed me to really gain an understanding and the power of reaper.. And let me expand from that in my own way.
Thanks for the positive feedback guys, looks like I will start work on it ASAP. I'm expecting it'll probably take at least 6 weeks or so but I'll keep you updated.

In the meantime, feel free to make suggestions on topics to cover in this thread!
15-20 for me.

Mainly for this. =D
In addition to basic stuff like what the key commands are and how to edit using my mouse setup and stuff, it would also go over a large number of "tips and tricks" like I did before. I'd like to either include or offer separately a massive in depth drum editing section where I basically take you through an entire song and outline every possible problem you can run into while drum editing and how to deal with it, professionally documented, organized and indexed so that it would be easy to read and digest.
In the meantime, feel free to make suggestions on topics to cover in this thread!

Drum editing (of course)
editing midi + audio at the same time (e-kit/midi drums + real cymbals)
Editing guitar (electric and acoustic) and bass
Aligning vocals in reaper (as reaper doesn't support vocalign vst3)