reaper metronome count-in fix useless?

Apr 14, 2010
they fixed the count-in. now the count-in plays at the tempo of the part that is to be recorded. however, reaper does not record while the count-in is running:confused:
for example, if a musician plays the first note a slightly before beat 1 the note is cut off. or esle, if a drummer is a bit ahead of the beat you'll loose the first kick.

I believe adam wathan had a workaround for that but can't remember where I saw it.

anybody else got any workarounds?
Right click the record button, select time selection autopunch mode, highlight the section you want to record and start recording just before that part. If you're recording more then you expected and goes beyond the time selection you can always extend it and see that it's still recording the material.
Right click the record button, select time selection autopunch mode, highlight the section you want to record and start recording just before that part. If you're recording more then you expected and goes beyond the time selection you can always extend it and see that it's still recording the material.

tried it but didn't work in conjunction with counting in. whenever you count in (neccessary because preceding part is in different tempo), the recording starts wherever the play cursor is placed. this of course has to be beat one of the part to be recorded which is in a different tempo than the part that comes before it.
time selection auto punch didn't change that behaviour unfortunately.
Place the play cursor slightly before beat one.

then there'd be no time for the musician to prepare, needs at least one whole measure.

a stupid workaround would be to record in a new project in which there're no tempo changes. after that, just copy the part into your main project.

there're already 2 threads about it on the reaper formums but I thought I'd try my luck here as well.
right, quick punch. that's what adam mentioned in his pro tools customizations for reaper V3 some time ago.
maybe I have to read up on that again.
I've ran into this same problem a few times before. This is why I just manually punch in everything, hit record a few measures early, then just delete the extra audio that you don't need.