Reaper Tempo Map Problem


Nov 1, 2009
So with all this recent talk of Reaper, I decided to try it out today. First I imported a midi file of the drums, it asked me if I wanted to import the tempo map, and of course I did, so I said yes. This worked without a hitch, I got a decent drum sounds, then imported my DI's. The only problem is, even though it is showing the tempo map on the master track with the little time markers, the tempo map is not affecting the Di's, so as soon as there is a tempo change the drums change but the rest of the music doesn't.
How did this happen and how can I fix it?
the tempo map should not be affecting the DI's anyway...unless you're trying to time stretch them? which you CAN do, but i'm confused as to why you'd expect such behavior.

in the mean time, this may answer your question: alt enter > project settings > set timebase for items/envelopes/markers to beats (position, length)

and that way if you sliced up your DI's at each tempo change, then they should warp to stay aligned with the grid...if you were to change the grid again. but you should definitely NEVER do that... just re-track the DI's after the drums/tempo map are solidified
Now that I think about it, duh. Of course the tempo map shouldn't affect the DI's, I don't know what I was thinking. But the strange thing is, I am opening someone elses project, made in reaper, and everything lined up perfectly in my home DAW, but opening it in reaper, as soon as there is a tempo change, everything goes out of whack.
Try changing the tempos in reaper? Right click>insert new time signature. You can change the sig ex. 3/4 and also the tempos. Just put the red start bar in the appropriate position. Import the drum midi without the source tempos first.