Rebellion is freedom


New Metal Member
Oct 29, 2007
I'm the drummer, lyricist and co-founder of my band, Entropy. I've been playing drums for 6 years or so, and we've been around for about one.

We play every type of metal because our purpose is to eliminate labels and reunite the distant metal subgenres. Our current recordings, however, really REALLY suck, we're working on our EP at the moment, which should be of great sound quality.

As for me, I love any form of metal, my favorite bands are Dimmu Borgir, ChthoniC, Nile, and Behemoth, also too many more to list them all. I like any talented musician, regardless of what they play, in metal I like technical and brutal stuff, but melodic and atmospheric stuff as well. Everything from inhumanly fast technical death metal to brutally slow funeral doom is my territory.
Haha wow sounds like we appreciate a lot of the same things in music!

Welcome to the forum! :D