Reborn Yet Again!!!!!!


A Dead Sun Serenity
Aug 24, 2002
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Peering over the horizon
Fiery solace beaming down
Free me
Approaching a citadel
Ravenous snakes poison my veins
Save me
The ground starts to disintegrate into oblivion
The abyss consumes my soul
Kill me
All color fades, all light disappears
Time stops, and rewinds
Bring me back
Memories hidden deep inside
Confessions of innocence lost, beyond my will
Desecrate me
Running, sorrow and bliss reside in my desolation
Sanctuary to asylum, yet no freedom do I find
Human to mortal, yet no empathy
Abuse me
Treading into eternal darkness
My only will is to die
Poke me, drain the life
Peering over the horizon
Fiery solace beaming down
Free me
Approaching a citadel
Ravenous snakes poison my veins
Save me
The ground starts to disintegrate into oblivion
The abyss consumes my soul
Kill me
All color fades, all light disappears
Time stops, and fast forwards
Find me
Reforming, becoming, but the pain still remains
Nullify me
Look into my eyes, and see my reverie of fear
Face me

Unconscious Salvation

Human essence is lost
In the desire to justify a creator
Compassion, devour compassion
Here you shall find apathy
Destruct, destroy love and hate
Earthly things, drown them in faith
That’s all it takes
Rust away your mortal tears
Accept your fate, kneel into melancholy
Bind your mind, your soul deceived
Fear to think, fear to believe
Despise the ones who show you life
Contradict, your cathedral the sacrilege
Bleak and dismal, the book upon your brainwashed heart
Break it down, burn it away
Gaze within, find yourself
Become one, spawn your fate
The end shall fade, as your soul awakes

Welcome to Affinity

Connect, intertwine, and draw the line
Fit together the shattered pieces
Of your life with another’s
Look and see how they align
For here lies your druthers
Welcome to affinity
Walk the wire, sip the fire
Inside you lies the key
The key to realization
Catch a glimpse, passed your antipathy
And passed your web of devastation
Welcome to affinity
Sullen dream, balance the beam
Take hold, obviate dearth
Society, ambiguous, obstruct your view
Eradicate the ignorance
Let humanity forge through
Welcome to affinity
Manipulate, disengage the labels, reality’s fables
The cement of the system
Cannot hold your feet forever
Degrade the oppression
The hold you shall sever
Welcome to affinity

Benighted Serenity
Towering above the rest of humanity, I stand on the callous rooftop, one hundred feet in the grim atmosphere. With vacillating eyes, I glance down in astigmatic view at a cold, apathetic reality I left behind ages ago. This pale panorama obviates from my memories as my eyelids close into oblivion. As the ground below my feet turns into air, my body palpitates at the realization that what lies ahead is a dearth of atonement. My lungs release a grave, shrill shriek, representing their disgust in my apprehensive deed. In return, my blistered, torn lips quiver, and my heart, trapped inside its solitary cage, rapidly pumps my last drops of blood like a deer in the sights of a dull, malignant bullet. A dead, dreary wind whips my pallid face, and steals away my tears, feeble and melancholic. The light in my soul flickers away into a void, and the fate that I have chosen, yet have languidly avoided with deceit, drops my jar of existence onto the hard wooden floor of bereavement.

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