Recabinet Test


^^ Why-Lee^^
Sep 19, 2007
Hey dudes,

So i've been working with the Recabinet demo and ive gotta say i love it!
Once funds will allow it im deffo picking that badboy up :D
Kazrog you are a legend :rock: clips/New Song Three.mp3?w=fcf37b19

Anyways Lemme know what you think of this, Of course ill be happy to answer any questions if need be :Saint:

p.s Does anyone know an alternative to yousendit that will actuly play clips?

Cheers and beers
Sounds Pretty awesome dude!

I would love to know details about guitars and drums.

(Get a dropbox!)

Cheers dude :D

The Guitars are
Schecter Hellraiser with 81/85's>TS9>Spider Valve HD100>Recabinet Ghandi 6L6 cone impulse

The drums are actuly Ezdrummer with replaced Kick and Snare from Sneap's Chimaira samples
Theres a shit load of room and ambiance i put in there to try and make it sound alittle more real.
I used some weird Korg Reverb plug...I think its ment for keys but it sounds ace on drums!
Well i gotta say thats made this worthwhile...Thanks Shane!!

You now have a loyal follower here man , Recabinet is the shit :D
I now can get the tone ive wanted to get for like...forever lol.

Cant wait to get the full deal and check out ALL the impulses , really looking forward to the bass ones !

once again Shane you are a god of all things awesome :P

its pumping a bit but fuck it: great sounding gtrs and drums!

Can you clarify the kick and snr sample source please?