Recent article about Alexander Kuopala

Well It's just basically about him joining a band called "Valonkantajat". One of the reasons for him joining the band was that he wanted to play more varied and challenging music. He also said that he likes the guys, the music and he thinks that the music will work very well in a live.
It's still strange how he opted out of Bodom just when they started to flourish in America. He suddenly changed musical taste? To this day I can't believe it. We've never even heard him say anything about it, other than 'yeah, I just got tired of the whole metal scene', on the verge of triumph. And Roope was supposed to be only a temporary solution, so the theory they sacked Ale for someone more talented doesn't hold water. He's been involved with these sub-par musical groups anyway and they're not so different, so was it just the touring lifestyle? I wouldn't like touring either, but if there was a chance to be a metal hero I could not let it pass. I tell you, people are so weird.
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It's still strange how he opted out of Bodom just when they started to flourish in America. He suddenly changed musical taste? To this day I can't believe it. We've never even heard him say anything about it, other than 'yeah, I just got tired of the whole metal scene', on the verge of triumph. And Roope was supposed to be only a temporary solution, so the theory they sacked Ale for someone more talented doesn't hold water. He's been involved with these sub-par musical groups anyway and they're not so different, so was it just the touring lifestyle? I wouldn't like touring either, but if there was a chance to be a metal hero I could not let it pass. I tell you, people are so weird.

He quit because he wanted to have a family which in his eyes was more productive and better for himself. Alexi seems to be the main one that constantly wants to tour as I remember him saying he gets anxious being off. Don't forget they started playing way more shows when they were getting bigger. He still obviously likes music and playing so he joins bands with not a hectic touring schedule just for fun i'm assuming
Hmm should I be a worshiped guitar hero playing the best music in the world for thousands of people with the pay of a surgeon, or stay home as a jobless bum, such a difficult decision!