Recent Purchases

Vylance X

The 9th Prophet
Sep 15, 2001
NE Ohio
Scored Soilwork's 'A Predator's Portrait' for 4 dollars!

'Twas in the used rack, but it is in perfect condition. No scratches whatsoever; not even any fingerprints on the booklet. I'm not the biggest fan of the Swedish Death Metal movement, but I don't mind Soilwork... and 4 dollars for a new CD is not bad.

I also purchased a bag of Backyard BBQ Wahoos! The best brand of snack chip since Pringles.


Tonight though, I'm going to Red Lobster with the wife and seeing 'A Walk to Remember'. Yeah, not my choice, but oh well.

I still need to go V-day shopping.
Funny you should mention Wahoos...I was at the store last night, trying to decide whether or not to give them a try...Instead I picked up the new EXTREME (have to capitalize the whole word for effect, haha) Dorritos...they're right about those - they have a little bite to them now!

Guess I'll try the Wahoos next time...thanks.
What do you see in them anyway...

try some real music

At the gates - Gardens of grief on cd
Nevermore - Believe in nothing
Grotesque - In the embrace of evil
Sacrilege - Lost in the beauty you slay

And a bunch of Bruce Dickinson singles on vinyl and cd