RECO: Darcroven - The Enigmatic


May 22, 2003
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Here's my lo-fi reco. A decent dose of blackened extreme metal from UM's own theoden236. This is not your typical bedroom black metal. Definite deathspell omega influence here, but a bit more focus on heaviness and riffs then pure chaos. I hope blast beats are something RC still enjoys.

This is really good. The second song is almost perfect besides a specific riff which doesn't work for me. Good reco
yeah, that second song rules :kickass:

the first one is ruined by the production somehow ...

and what is that on the video still? ... looks like a cat holding a pedestal lamp :loco:
and what is that on the video still? ... looks like a cat holding a pedestal lamp :loco:

:lol: yeah, that figure: it was just something i threw together in solidworks, then messed around with in photoshop. didn't really put it together with the album in mind, but when i submitted it to Mortem est Propositum (the net label that put initally it out) i figured, what the hell, just send 'em something for the sake of having art to go with it. kinda wished i put more time into the visuals, but...oh well. next album should be better.