[Reco] Witxes - Sorcery/Geography


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Sep 4, 2003

[Band] Witxes
[Country] France
[Release] Sorcery/Geography
[Year] 2012
[Label] none

Pronounce Witches. Middle of the reco week, let's take a break from the heavy shit and lose ourselves into the dreamingly layered soundscapes of French tinkerer Maxime Vavasseur. If you ever took an interest in the work of guys like Steven R. Smith, Tim Hecker or even the film scores of Angelo Badalamenti (David Lynch's acolyte), chances are you'll feel at home and more with this album, which combines subtle drones with deep and capable ventures into ghost orchestral stuff, ambient folk, bluesy undertones, you name it. Each track sets the scenery for some exquisite mind-travelling, and their rather brief span (nothing above the six-minute mark) prevents them from outstaying their welcome and losing grip. In a genre prone to instant boredom, Sorcery/Geography is rather an instant classic.

[Official website] http://www.witxes.com/

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this has to have been intentional


you cant have randomly added five albums with gradually increasing moon sizes to your collection

edit: lol
I dont know... maybe I should give them more time to grow on me but its not doing much for me right now.
I prefer atmospheric music to be more along the lines of bands like Erevos.
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I like the name. And now I like the music, pretty cool.

This is the kind of stuff I love having but rarely seek out.