Recommend a multi-effect pedal for live guitar


Jul 4, 2011
Malmö, Sweden
So I've been looking around a little and a multi-effect pedal is probably the cheapest way to go. I just have never used one and have no idea which ones are good/priceworthy. What I'd like it to be able to do is noise gate, delay/reverb (if both can be turned on in the same press that's a big plus), and preferably some EQ too. Some compression for cleans would be really nice too. I play in a melodic death metal band and right now I just use an MXR GT-OD for boost between the guitar and amp, so would be nice to be able to make leads and solos cut through more and get some sweet verb/delay on it.

If anyone has any nice suggestions I'd love to hear them.
I'd look at snagging a used Boss GT-8 off of eBay. I think it would serve your needs without breaking the bank and it actually sounds pretty decent.
I would second the Boss GT recommendation. They work great, are built like tanks, sound decent to great and are super flexible once you get the hang of them, great for live use. The GT3 and GT5 are old school but have analog drive in them so I would steer you that way. They all take a little bit of manual reading though and the amp modeling kind of stinks if you were interested in that aspect of a multi effects unit. Super good deals can be had on all but the most recent model.
I've owned the GT-3 in the past, too. It's harder for me to remember how that one sounded because it's been like 15 years, so that's why I recommended the GT-8. But, yeah, both would work.
the digitech rp1000 has an excellent effect section too, the other guitar player in my band uses it with satisfaction by years

The Digitech RP line looks like it has what I need, I'd probably go for the RP355 version as I don't need that many different sounds to switch between as available on the higher ones. Basically need one each for rhythm, lead, and clean. Thanks for the suggestions so far.
I've used the line 6 m13 for a few years and it's pretty solid. The interface is better than most other products in the category imo and a lot of the sounds are really good. The only thing I'm not a fan of in it are the distortions but the tube screamer is OK and most metal players use amp distortion anyway.