Recommend me a flanger/phaser pedal


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006

Im looking for a compact pedal to use live for some passages that call for a deep slow rate flange! Looking for something that isnt TOO expensive, b day coming in Aug so that will be perfect :)

Ive been looking at a few such as the BOSS BF-3 which looks pretty nice and BOSS are reliable and well built, not a bad price either. Ive also had my eye on a MXR M-101 Phase 90 for some time now, if I turned the rate down I know I could still get the effect im after but at the same time I can nail some killer solo's with it ALA Halen style! :Smokin::lol:

There is a shitload of other pedals out there which I really havent got a clue if they are really nice or just not worth looking at.

Any advice would be much appreciated!

Thanks guys

Yeah I was kinda leaning toward the Boss due to the amount of features it provides but I like the simplicity of the Phase 90, plus the one "ON" button must have some cracking tone behind it for the price if you get what I mean! Less features more tone perhaps.
I like the MXR stuff Phase 90 or the Phase 100. The switching on my 70's AC plug MXR flanger is starting to go but it is a great piece of kit when 100%. Alot of people swear by the late 70's ADA flanger but its going for a ridiculous $400-$600 on ebay. BOSS makes solid acceptable stuff but if you want a more classic sound check out the MXR. The EVH switch is not worth the $40. Buy an older MXR and you'll be happy.