Recommend me a Studio Bass

someone give me a link to the right Fender Jazz bass i would want to look at for doing metal? there is a billion lol

just like a link to musiciam friends or something.....i just want to make sure im looking at the right ones

fuckin' a, man...go to and search "fender jazz bass"

it'll give you a list of all of them
"Ernie Ball Music Man Stringray" seems to be used on most of the albums that have the bass tone i like.

For eg.
Despised Icon

and Decapitated

EDIT: Just re-read your post. I don't think this bass is in that price range (roughly converting from my currency)
I thought you were recomending an american jazz standard.

Yes the mexican's can be had for the price range your talkin.

I just ebay'ed "fender american jazz bass" and didn't come up with anything under $600. I was also thinking of the new price as well ($1049.99-$1154.99).

To the OP the bass most likely being recomended (as far as the fender one goes) is this one: Fender 5 string Jazz
Just wanted to say that I can't share the praising of the "Jazz Bass".
That was the worst Bass I recorded for a metal tone.
With his wooden sound I think it is more usable for jazzy stuff. Maybe that's why he got that name ;)
I could go either way on the active/passive issue but I reiterate that you should know which sound you're after before you buy.
Lots of guys love fenders. Other guys find them really dull sounding. It really is a matter of taste.
What tones do you like on records? That might narrow things down a bit as opposed to everybody recommending you buy the same thing they did.
its not just "active or passives", its all about what you pack it in, which spesific kinds of mics etc etc..

say, an active fodera will sound better than a passive squier, no doubt, but if you popped actives in the squier and compared to a passive fodera, the fodera still wins..