Recommend me a good, all-around graphic EQ for <$100 (please)


Feb 20, 2005
Hey guys, I'm loving Voxengo Elephant and Marquis Compressor, but I'm not too sure about their GlissEQ, which has some funky "dependent on the source material" filtering going on that I'm not sure would necessarily be desirable for an all-purpose EQ (I admit I haven't tried it, though). So I'm forced to look elsewhere - any suggestions? (ReaEQ is NOT cutting it for me, I'm afraid, it sounds very phasey/flangey to my ears :erk: )
For under $100 I would have to say apulSoft apEQ for a grand total of $69.44 USD.

It sounds excellent, has a great selection of filter shapes and is one the biggest bangs for the buck around. Try the demo it might be what your looking for.

btw, a graphic eq is the type with fixed frequency bands on sliders. I figured you meant one with a display for the eq curves and possibly an analyzer looking at the eq's you mentioned in your original post.

Oh crap, thanks for the terminology correction dude! Yeah, I'm definitely not looking for one with preset sliders; rather, one with multiple bands (4, ideally) where you can adjust the exact frequency, Q, and gain value for each one, choose whether it's a peaking, notch, HPF/LPF/BPF, etc. - would that be called a parametric EQ? I thought "graphic" because I like to have a visual graphic of what I'm boosting and cutting and by how much, but I guess that shows my age on this, since I've only ever worked ITB! :loco: And that apulsoft EQ looks bitchin', thanks! Any other suggestions? (just so I can have the full picture)
I just actually remembered an equalizer fitting your requirements where you actually decide the price you want to pay for it. It sounds decent to my ears. IIEQ Pro from DDMF

Digging back even further I remember a good freeware version of a commercial eq by the name of Electri-Q that has the features you need.

To me apEQ is the best of the bunch I mentioned although I would still recommend trying them all.
I just used the one in the DAW for years. Then I got my Liquid Mix and have been using various ones there.

Anyway check this out for free ones:[]=22&type[]=18&f=vst&fe=vst&win=1&free=1&sf=0&receptor=&de=0&sort=1&rpp=15

I am surprised you don't like GlissEQ. Maybe try CurveEQ? I have heard good things about the Apulsoft one too. I use the Stillwell Vibe EQ a lot too. But it isn't fully graphical.

I enjoy the meters as much as anyone, but sometimes not using the meters is the best way to EQ. By listening I have gotten better results.
Aortiz, it's not that I don't like GlissEQ, I've never used it, but the description of its "applying the amount of eq depending on the input" just kinda makes me nervous, I dunno - I'd rather just have something straight-up. And yeah, you're definitely spot-on with using ones ears rather than eyes, and that's what I try to do - in fact, it'd be awesome to find one that lets you disable the graphic... (or maybe I'll just move the window high enough so that the graphic is offscreen :lol: )

But thanks for the input guys, looks like apEQ it is!
GlissEQ allows you to turn off the filtering effect by lowering the dyn knob to zero on each band if you want straight up eq. I like GlissEQ mainly for its overlay feature.