Recommend me a subwoofer?


Nov 2, 2009
Philly USA
I have come to the conclusion I need to get a subwoofer. I'm running a set of Mackie HR-824 MK-2 monitors. I don't know if it is them or the acoustics in the room but my ability to monitor bass is non-existant. I can hear it there slightly but it's EXTREMELY decieving how much bass is actually there. My car is how I find out, and that's not acceptable lol. Price range I'm looking between $200-$500. I'd like to not break the bank but I don't want to spend a bunch of dough to only be in the same situation I'm in now. Any recommendations?
Is your room treated?

I'm no pro, but I've read that people should shy away from using sub woofers. I am using M-Audio bx5a's right now, and the lack of bass coupled with an untreated room makes for very hard decisions when it comes to low end. However, getting a sub would seem like it will only complicate things. I have learned to know my monitors and realize when there is too much bass or not enough.
Is your room treated?

I'm no pro, but I've read that people should shy away from using sub woofers. I am using M-Audio bx5a's right now, and the lack of bass coupled with an untreated room makes for very hard decisions when it comes to low end. However, getting a sub would seem like it will only complicate things. I have learned to know my monitors and realize when there is too much bass or not enough.

That's not entirely true. Subs are a great reference when dealing with the really low frequencies. And they are great to have around when clients want to listen to the mix. I wouldn't want a sub on at all times, but for checking low end, it's the way to go.

I am curious that the OP thinks the HR-824's lack bass. I had a set, and they had some pretty good excursion on them. And wouldn't an untreated room hype the bass, not destroy it? Maybe your hearing is starting to go lol.

Anyway, I recently got one of those Behringer subs, and it does it's job well. Since I just use it for the ultra low stuff, I wasn't concerned about brand/quality(believe me, I hate Behringer), but that price was the best for what you get.
That's not entirely true. Subs are a great reference when dealing with the really low frequencies. And they are great to have around when clients want to listen to the mix. I wouldn't want a sub on at all times, but for checking low end, it's the way to go.

I am curious that the OP thinks the HR-824's lack bass. I had a set, and they had some pretty good excursion on them. And wouldn't an untreated room hype the bass, not destroy it? Maybe your hearing is starting to go lol.

Anyway, I recently got one of those Behringer subs, and it does it's job well. Since I just use it for the ultra low stuff, I wasn't concerned about brand/quality(believe me, I hate Behringer), but that price was the best for what you get.

This one?

I'm mixing on Rockit 5's and have been considering a sub for a long time. These monitors have some serious dropoff starting at 100hz.
I'd vote for spending the money on room treatment. Even the best sub in the world won't be accurate at the mix position in a non-treated room. Also, you're problems with bass at the moment are likely caused by your room anyway, as far as metal goes 8" woofers pretty much do the job (not saying a sub isn't a very useful tool for a metal engineer in a well treated room, coz it is)
No, you guys are absolutely right. The room's not treated. And there's plaster walls which I know are horrible. Really don't know where my head's at, it's a major issue and I've been lazy and ignoring it. Although I think I still would like to pick up a sub in addition to have for reference. I'm going to start hunting for some Rockwool tomorrow and building some Absorbers this weekend. I think I'm also going to move my setup to the next room over. My current room is rather large so treating it is going to cost a fortune. I don't have much knowlege on acoustic treatment though. Is there anything else I can do besides putting absorbers in? Should I do something special at the corners? Ceiling? The floor is currently carpeted.
Is your room treated?

I'm no pro, but I've read that people should shy away from using sub woofers. I am using M-Audio bx5a's right now, and the lack of bass coupled with an untreated room makes for very hard decisions when it comes to low end. However, getting a sub would seem like it will only complicate things. I have learned to know my monitors and realize when there is too much bass or not enough.

I hate subs. I've never heard one that doesn't sound blurry to me. At best they are for listening not for mixing.

I'd vote for spending the money on room treatment.

I am curious that the OP thinks the HR-824's lack bass. I had a set, and they had some pretty good excursion on them. And wouldn't an untreated room hype the bass, not destroy it? Maybe your hearing is starting to go lol.

If the room is untrearted then it will have paeks AND troughs, so his experience will depend on his room and monitoring position.

I'd vote for spending the money on room treatment. Even the best sub in the world won't be accurate at the mix position in a non-treated room. Also, you're problems with bass at the moment are likely caused by your room anyway, as far as metal goes 8" woofers pretty much do the job (not saying a sub isn't a very useful tool for a metal engineer in a well treated room, coz it is)

+1. If you're sitting in a null then no amount of sub woofer will help

No, you guys are absolutely right. The room's not treated. And there's plaster walls which I know are horrible. Really don't know where my head's at, it's a major issue and I've been lazy and ignoring it. Although I think I still would like to pick up a sub in addition to have for reference. I'm going to start hunting for some Rockwool tomorrow and building some Absorbers this weekend. I think I'm also going to move my setup to the next room over. My current room is rather large so treating it is going to cost a fortune. I don't have much knowlege on acoustic treatment though. Is there anything else I can do besides putting absorbers in? Should I do something special at the corners? Ceiling? The floor is currently carpeted.

You'll probably be best of in a larger room so that you can control the monitoring location. You don't want to be too close to walls or corners.

In your room of choice treat all first reflection points and as many corners as you can. Treating tri-corners will help further.

Check out the real traps tutorials to see how far you want to go.
It's nearly pointless to mix in an untreated room on monitors. You're actually better off with headphones!

I know Greg....... "Puts head down in shame" lol

OK, so I know this is now now total change in original topic but whatever haha. Going to get some rockwool today. Going to build my own absorbers. Only problem is I can only get the rockwool in 16" wide. Wanted to make 24" x 48" absorbers. Can I just add another 8" strip in my frames or is having a line down it a bad thing? My guess is yea.

Also what are you guys doing for corners? I can get 8" foam bass traps fairly cheap, was going to run them from the floor to ceiling. Or would I be better off making my own out of the rockwool?
I have come to the conclusion I need to get a subwoofer. I'm running a set of Mackie HR-824 MK-2 monitors. I don't know if it is them or the acoustics in the room but my ability to monitor bass is non-existant. I can hear it there slightly but it's EXTREMELY decieving how much bass is actually there. My car is how I find out, and that's not acceptable lol. Price range I'm looking between $200-$500. I'd like to not break the bank but I don't want to spend a bunch of dough to only be in the same situation I'm in now. Any recommendations?

I'm almost sure that the problem is the room.
I heard a pair of HR 824s and it had very hyped lows.
Spend the money on acoustic treatment. :)
Treatment is very obviously important but if you are doing anything with synths especially IMO it's very important to check with a sub. Otherwise you might miss a lot of shit going on down there.

Anyway I used the Adam Sub8 and I liked it until it FUCKING stopped working...not even a year old either FUUUUUUU :erk: