Recommend the Owl some new metal!

Snowy Owl

OSA Co-founder
Sep 12, 2005
A tree in Middletown, PA
Since Andrea and I have had our little "owlet" Lillian, I have not had the time to buy lots of new albums. The economy hasn't helped either. Due to that, I have been out of the loop!

Here are some albums I plan on picking up in the near future

Rush-Clockwork Angels
Anything by DarkWater
Anything by Triosphere
The new Threshold album

If there is anything else I should add to my wishlist, please tell me! Need some new metal to listen to around the nest. Thanks!
I like Delain alot and my daughter always tries to sing along with them in the car...same with the newest Within Temptation album and the song "Faster". Yet, my wife, God bless her, sometimes plays the same album in her car for days and it makes me tire of it!

Don't have the new Rush yet, but it is on my wish list!
I haven't been following them all to much lately, but a band I think that hits the bee's knees as far as metal goes is Tacere (!)

They are not at all well-heard-of, but I definitely think they have some potential. Also, I liked their previous singer Helena better, but the new(er) girl is not bad either.