
My Nikon d40 <3. They aren't too expensive, d90's are also very cool but fairly new and they have a video mode, which is pretty cool. But if someone is buying their first one and doesn't have a bunch of money to just toss up in the air (like I didn't), d40 is definitely excellent :). I would NOT recommend d40x. I think I asked around here when I was trying to decide between them. And I've shot around a lot since then with both, and I prefer the d40 which has fewer megapixels and is less expensive.

But Cara I'd recommend your friend buy a different lens, as in buy the d40 body only, and then buy something other than the kit lens. Or get the body and kit lens for now, and then in the near future or whenever they're able look into another lens. Because that's what it's all about!
I looked up the model number, thinking you might not know the brand and have thrown a word in.