Recommendation: Nocturnal Torment

This is pretty damn good, I wouldn't categorize it as OSDM, has that modern death metal feel to me. With that being said, some really solid riffage going on in those two tracks. Especially like that whole whirlwind vibe to close out the first one, reminded me something out of Return to Oz. (That movie gets highest recommendation for wtf creep factor.) Don't know if I'd end up buying this at some point, I'll definitely give a few more whirls, but at this point, I'd take these guys as a group I would be ecstatic to see supporting an act on the road, rather than a band I'm going to devout hours of time towards absorbing. (Easy to let down to go in line with all the mushy bullshit flooding the forums as of late.) Though I can see Destiny Deville saying, "don't make love to me, fuck me." While this blasts in the aft.

Good gym music for sure.
This is fun. I don't really hear the old school in it either, but part of that is the Abyss-ish sounding digitized production. I like this though, I'm not sure I want to buy it but this is the kind of stuff that I dig the hell out of when I just need to fuckin' :kickass: the problems of the world away. Definitely my style death metal, it has whacky riffs but it doesn't feel like my spine is separating itself into different directions. Okay now I understand the OSDM feel, some of those tremolo riffs are pretty OG Cannibal Corpse inspired. Cool.

Return To Oz fucking rules! A friend of mine got me that on DVD this xmas, talk about spaztically strange. A CHICKEN?!