recommendation: The Fountain OST

Crimson Death

El Basilisco
Jan 24, 2002
A collaboration between Clint Mansell as composer and director/conductor and The Kronos Quartet with Mogwai this is the perfect soundtrack, on the one hand it works perfectly against the film's visuals and atmosphere, and on the other, when listened to by itself it creates an atmosphere of its own. I see the themes addressed musically as: the temporary nature of each and every moment, self doubt, the loss of all, the ascension of the spirit, and the tacky yet awesome 'love conquers all'.

The second to last track is "Death is the Road to Awe" which also signifies the critical mass moment of the film could compete with any black metal song in context of musicianship and performance, as it draws out all the post-rock influences with its highs and lows and builds and builds till it reaches the inevitable peak and blasts into a million galaxies along with the listener.

The perfect music in my opinion is that which becomes color, story, matter and energy, defies and clicks with everything.

I know its a fartsy review, deal with it :p


01 The Last Man 06:09
02 Holy Dread! 03:52
03 Tree Of Life 03:45
04 Stay With Me 03:36
05 Death Is a Disease 02:34
06 Xibalba 05:23
07 First Snow 03:09
08 Finish It 04:25
09 Death Is The Road To Awe 08:26
10 Together We Will Live Forever 05:02
J. has the worst opinions on this board. Secondly, this soundtrack is godly. One of the best albums of 2007 I reckon.
I need to rewatch this fucking movie. All the points addressed above should be right up my alley. However, I didnt pick up on any of them in the film. Honestly, I dont even recall much of it.
Why compare it to x metal genre? Fuck metal.

I agree on the brilliance of the film (and soundtrack obviously), one of my favourites from this decade, if not of all time.
Well, the song's structure really reminds me of metal without metal, more than say classical music, hip hop dream pop or electropunk or prog metal/rocks, I half assed noted it

np: velvet cacoon - Laudanum
I've never seen this. I've also never seen such mixed reviews in recent times (except maybe for 300). Anyway, I'll give it a try and then hopefully that'll put the music into context.
Feeling somewhat EMO atm and this stuff is just perfect -- very very nice

I never thought about the music when I saw the movie itself though, but since I didn't notice it, I guess it fitted just perfectly