

Mar 19, 2004
I'm ALWAYS looking for new/interesting music. What are some other bands I should check out (not necessarily metal). Waudlin of the Mell & Kayo Dot seem to stick out like a sore thumb in my cd collection. I want to find other bands that are at that same level. You know what I mean?....the kind of stuff that takes several repeated listens before you even remotely can comprehend what the hell is going on. That's one of the things I really love about Kayo Dot...the songs that don't grab me at first seem to be the ones that become my favorites over time.
My Dearest Lesser-Head,

That would be Maudlin of the Sell. Out, with the mistakes, in, with the truth!

You're welcome! That one was for free, as I believe most would say, "NOOB"!

- The Idea Professor

Well, for some exceptionally good metal bands, try Ephel Duath, Cynic, Isis, Pan Thy Monium, Khanate(takes alot of getting used to though).

Olivier Messaien, Schoenberg, Iannis Xenakis, Bartok are all good composers.

A very good ensemble is Elend, it's some demented metal orchestra with very little guitar, drum work. It's like a symphony with alot of dissonance.
cool, I haven't heard of alot of what you people listed here. so I guess I have a homework assignment for this weekend.

Idea Professor....ummmmm ok
Holy shit! I thought this thread would be buried in the basement by now. I check in after a shitty Monday at work and there's even more suggestions I haven't heard of.

I'm feeling the love. :p

As per FrostGiant, I picked up The Mars Volta this weekend. Pretty damn good and very hard to describe what they sound like. The vocals are pretty strange. I'm pretty sure it's a dude but he kinda sounds like a chick. Also, it's nice to see Flea doing something that's actually cool.

Thanks again everybody!