Recorded a clip of my ENGL+VHT set up


Alas, Tyranny
Nov 15, 2006
Athens, GA

Right side guitars are Lead channel low gain, left side are lead channel high gain.

Lead guitar is the same settings as the left side guitars, with some delay added post production. Check out that sustain at the end!!! I've never had that with ANY other amp I've used.

ENGL E530 preamp into VHT 2/90/2 power amp, into Avatar 412 with Celestion CL80 speakers. Single SM57 about 4-5 inches back pointed straight at the speaker, about 3" below the center.
Soudns incredibly distant and muffled. Mix has that entire quality, but the guitars even moreso.

Move that mic closer to the speakers! I've usually got mine under an inch away from the grillcloth, and must guys here do the same!
Ok, I tried again. I tracked the guitars and set up the tone with my Sennheiser HD280 headphones, and after comparing it to the sound from my monitors, I realized the problem... The HD280s sound like crap. Way too trebly/harsh.

I've made a fixed version with a lot more highs. It should be there.