Recorded a friends song.

i'd use some more reverb or something on the guitars and drums to give it a bigger sound. maybe try some keyboard synths or stings in the background to make it more lush and full. overall great mix but it still sounds a little dull, and yes i like journey even though they are a bit before my time.

edit: i listen to dream evil on occasion. the thing i like about it production wise (especially their newest cd) is that it reminds you of 80's metal, but still has a modern production. listening to them may get some mixing ideas for this song.
MOAR GAIN!!!! Those palm mutes are so wimpy, I know this isn't metal, but I'm a Journey MANIAC, and I can tell you Neal Schon rocked more saturation than that on his rhythm parts!
And HOLY SHIT what a great solo! Man, give this dude my props, so tastefully written and played...
Added some saturation and reverb on the guitars, also synth in the background.
Glenn - Låt 1 #1

actually, i kinda liked the first version now to be honest! sorry :loco:

i decided to download the first version you posted and messed with it a little myself. all i really did to it was the vintage warmer plugin and waves r-verb (drum plate). after downloading it, i realized how totally unmastered it is, so perhaps that's the only thing it needs. 1-2.mp3
cool. the only other thing i would suggest is maybe bring the bass guitar out a bit more, like 3db's with a little bit of overdrive.

man, this tune is catchy and there aren't even vocals yet, haha! let us know when it's done. can't wait to hear the final result
Definitely sounds better now, nice! I agree about taming the reverb a bit, but it's not that bad given how open the guitar parts are (and I agree they could come down, but only JUST a little), and yeah, more bass would be nice. AND I FUCKING LOVE THIS SOLO!!!
Hey dude thats awesome!!! I relly liked the whole song and sound.
I agreed that the solo is so so so classy!!
Could you rise the chorus synths?? Is a cool part but a little buried for my taste.
Thats logic doesnt it?? Could you share your master output plugs please.And the savage + impulses setting will be great for me, I have a Screamer and I want to get a similar tone.

Thanks in advance.
mjgg6, we opted to have the chorus keys low due to it sounding to loud in headphones. And yes, it's logic. From what I remember my master plugs are eq, exciter, adlimit, limiter. impulse is guitar hacks bbac-half.wav. The savage settings are: gain 14.00, lead gain 13.00, bass 10.00, middle 0, high 11.00, hi-balance 0. And it's the Lead channel that's being used. Also, the guitar was a fender telecaster with single coils.

scorpio01169; classic! don't forget to take pictures ;)
mjgg6, we opted to have the chorus keys low du

e to it sounding to loud in headphones. And yes, it's logic. From what I remember my master plugs are eq, exciter, adlimit, limiter. impulse is guitar hacks bbac-half.wav. The savage settings are: gain 14.00, lead gain 13.00, bass 10.00, middle 0, high 11.00, hi-balance 0. And it's the Lead channel that's being used. Also, the guitar was a fender telecaster with single coils.

scorpio01169; classic! don't forget to take pictures ;)

THANKS for the info.
Tele with singels :worship: sounded great, I have to get one for me...
Dont forget to hang the song with vocals I want to put it in my camaro too :D

I'm late to the party here, but the second version is definitely a step in the right direction. I'll be curious to hear it retracked with humbuckers. As it is right now, as has been mentioned...just tame the reverb a little. It needs to have the reverb for the right sound, but it's just a little bit much right now. I love this though, as a big 80's rock/metal fan (and Journey/Schon fan). Really, the only thing (IMO) that needs some work is the snare. It's just not doing it for me for this type of music. It needs to be brighter. Or to go with even more 80's realism, use drumagog to trigger white noise and just barely mix it in with the snare. But just brightening the snare should help. And as Metaltastic said, props to him on the solo. Really nice job there! I'm thinking about redoing a lot of my old 80's rock/metal stuff, and hearing this kind of gets me inspired to work on them. :)