recording drums tomorrow...

ok, so tomorrow I start to track drums for this band that ive done some scratch guitar tracks on and are now starting final tracking for drums. They are a sort of metal punk mix and I am planning on using a "tunnel" on the front of the kick. From what i can guess the only reason they do it is to absorb the high frequencies and leave the low for a more in your chest thump, but thats only my guess and Im willing to try it. A lot of bands they listen to have done this (story of the year and thrice) and I and them really like the kick sound. Does anyone have experience using this method. Thanks!


heres a pic of what I'm talking about if anyone is interested...

I'd say to try it with & without the tunnel, A/B the two, and go with what you like best.
You might find you get better kick separation with no tunnel.... I've noticed that the pickup pattern on a mic will spread out farther with a tunnel in place, as there's less high frequencies hitting the backside of the capsule, thereby lessening the cardioid effect. (that is, if you're using cardioid mics)

Anyway, best of luck on your session.
Thanks guys, we ended up not going with the tunnel but I am extremely pleased with the sound that I got from just micing. He didnt have a hole in the drum and we didnt take off the head to close mic but what we got was the thud i was looking for then..we doubled the track and on the copied verison used drumagog to use this sample with a bit more punch to it so it worked out awesome and we are really please. Im gunna post a rough mix of the song on later for some critiqing. Thanks again
