Recording everyone live, no click

If you are going for a "live of the floor" approach, then have all amps and drums in the room but have em spread as far apart as possible(not in corners of the room!) an hit record and have them play for 15 seconds. .....

When you listen back, go through each track in solo to find which instrument is bleeding though the other tracks the most.

Level everything by amp master level till all bleed is just as balanced as the levels of the instrument in the room.

This will give you a very nice ambient mix before even Fucking mixing!

This will also give you a killer 3d image of the music if panned properly.

Hint: use stereo room mics and have that be the only thing panned hard left and right. Nothing else should be hard panned. Every inch counts with pan and fader adjustment.

Brilliant tricks! That would have come in handy. On Sunday I wound up recording a couple tracks for a cover band live off the floor and there was bleed everywhere. Luckily I got the guitarists to turn down more than normal so it was quite manageable. I had to do some volume automation magic during mixdown but I think it's turning out really well. I should have it mostly finished tonight and will post a clip then.
Partition walls would have been very beneficial for you as well. Those always help. Or even thick sound drape or carpet. I don't recommend the sound drape or carpet cause it looks stupid. And the clients will start to question your protocol. It's a book judging industry. Keep that in mind friends!
Alright, so it isn't metal and it's actually a cover of "Mustang Sally", but here's almost the end product. There's was bleed everywhere and you can even hear the guitarist singing in some spots (I was able to automate a lot more out than you will hear), but I think it turned out really cool. I feel like it has a really old school vibe to it. One of the guitarists is coming back to redo the solo, which is why it's almost the end product instead of simply the end product. The vocals were actually tracked through the Advanced Audio 47fet and an SCA N72, if anyone cares.

Mustang Sally
That's what I'm talking about!
That sounds dirty! I wish i could mix it and do a few tweaks of my own hahaha

Good job!
For the mix aspect, you should work on your lower mids. Sounds a bit too bold.

Guitars sound great.
If you have room mics for the drums(I hope so!) turn them up. If not, make a stereo bus with a plate verb for all shells of the drums and make a stereo small hall verb for the cymbals. But use the hall verb very lightly. You just want to colour it. The shells, you want to make a bigger 3D image.

Your really close.
But it was recorded very well for live off the floor. Nice!
For the mix aspect, you should work on your lower mids. Sounds a bit too bold.

Guitars sound great.
If you have room mics for the drums(I hope so!) turn them up. If not, make a stereo bus with a plate verb for all shells of the drums and make a stereo small hall verb for the cymbals. But use the hall verb very lightly. You just want to colour it. The shells, you want to make a bigger 3D image.

Your really close.
But it was recorded very well for live off the floor. Nice!

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll give them a go once I've got the last of the overdubs finished. I'm actually not using the tom mics and barely anything on the snare mics. You're mostly just hearing the overheads and room mics on the drums right now.

That guitar solo is hilarious

Yeah, that's my friend playing. He's not a strong player/improviser. I'm actually meeting with him on Sunday to redo it. Hopefully the bleed in other mics won't be much of an issue.
If I was in your shoes, I would experiment here. It would be a flat out fun as hell, inventive, progressive way of getting things done. I would physically conduct in front of the band. If you did that, got in the zone with it and had fun, so would the band. If listening back to it, everyone is surprised how well it turned out, it would give that album production session such an awesome damn story. As a Producer/Engineer, if you surprise the crap out of everyone with what you do, and everyone is smiling from ear to ear, you got an awesome reputation, and a building career.

Producers do wierd friggin things sometimes. If you don't know that, then do your research on Master Producers. They do what they do with confidence, excitement, and dignity. Their recording business sees amazing results from that!