Recording guitzzzz


Jun 4, 2009
New Braunfels, Texas
So my deal is this-
I have a band coming to record soon, but the problem is, I can't have the guitars turned up super loud because we cathedral ceilings in the place I record and it causes sheet rock to crack under the stress from the loud volumes. So is there any special thing you can do so that you can get a full tone from your amp while having the volume pretty low? Or a way I can turn the amp up, but have it so it doesn't sound so loud (like an isolation booth or whatever.) I know there are attenuators and stuff, but does it really give the effect of miking it at loud volume? Coz I would think the volume that the mic is getting would affect the sound too, wouldn't it?

Thanks guys.
Kinda hard to explain, but yea...
Go and get a Hotplate. It is a compromise between sound and volume.
The bass sounds a little sloppy, but the rest is very cool. I just recorded a Recti at 90% with HotPlate
and the neighbours did not complain.