Recording guys - Favorite mics and mic placement for guitars?


Jan 5, 2008
I'm sure this topic has been done, but I've been doing a ton of recording lately and trying a ton of placements with different mics... and I like a lot of them honestly. Some would be suited better for different types of music etc. But I think I've found my favorite.

In any case what are your favorite mics to use?

Favorite placement?

Cab placement?

What amps?

What interfaces?

What kind of sound you going for?

My favorite combo has to be the SM57 and MD421 so far. Both mics on axis between the cone and dustcap. Not too harsh in the highs, good amount of lows, and still really clear.

I like to get my cab away from the wall. I stack 2 mesa cabs on top of each other and mic each. Bottom cab has casters.

Just got a Chandler TG-2 and so far it seems to kick the crap out of my Firestudio Project, which is also great btw. Just a lot more clarity and depth coming through with the Chandler.

The tones I go for are a little looser than some of you would probably like. I still like the lowend fairly tight though. I just at all costs try to get the guitars to sound huge and epic.

Lately all I've been recording is this... and I love it.


Your turn :headbang:

BTW a lot of you guys are really talented. I've heard better clips on here than most pro engineer forums!
Christ is that a helluva rig dude, and I'm loving the 2 ch. Recto! 57+421 is a great combo, though as I don't own a 421 (yet), I stick with a single 57 and have gotten great results with it by mic'ing the old faithful "edge of the dustcap" spot on one of the bottom speakers on my slant cab (I find it sounds fuller with the bottoms). The Chandler is supposed to be incredible, nice score on that! Now you just need an interface with better converters to put it through (RME FireFace 400 comes to mind). And welcome!
Christ is that a helluva rig dude, and I'm loving the 2 ch. Recto! 57+421 is a great combo, though as I don't own a 421 (yet), I stick with a single 57 and have gotten great results with it by mic'ing the old faithful "edge of the dustcap" spot on one of the bottom speakers on my slant cab (I find it sounds fuller with the bottoms). The Chandler is supposed to be incredible, nice score on that! Now you just need an interface with better converters to put it through (RME FireFace 400 comes to mind). And welcome!

Yeah I need some better converters but the firestudio ones actually aren't that bad. Thought about a fireface but I think i'm just going to wait and get some apogee converters. It's amazing how expensive damn converters are. So it'll be awhile!:erk:
single sm 57 slightly to the left or right of dustcap.

You're a weird one. Probably my favorite clips here. I for the life of me don't know how you get the tones you do with one mic and that lexicon or whatever you were using.

You're the type of guy pro engineers hate. Way better tones with way less gear. Fuck yeah! :kickass:

BTW I'm just a lowly guitarist that records my own stuff.
Questions like this should go in "Production tips."

I don't know how I could make such a mistake! Sorry to have stopped traffic around here. :heh:

Created in the production forum. Saw similar stuff all over in here so I didn't think it would be a problem.
I don't know how I could make such a mistake! Sorry to have stopped traffic around here. :heh:

Created in the production forum. Saw similar stuff all over in here so I didn't think it would be a problem.

No problem, it's just things are getting cluttered around here & the subforums were created to prevent that.
I've been getting some pretty solid tones with my AE2500 aimed perpendicular to the cone a few inches away from the dust cap :kickass: Much better hi-mid clarity than when I was using 2 421s!
haha. I'm interested in hearing them (but skeptical in the "night and day" aspect). I run 2 Firepods (which I think are pretty much the same thing as far as converters go to the Firestudio???), and I'm of the viewpoint that the money spent on better conversion would have been a better investment. I'm hoping to be proven wrong, hehe.
After listening to a lot of converter shootouts I just don't hear a TON of difference with super high end converters and mid level. Sure they sound better but nothing that'll make or break your mix ya know?

The initial recordings I did right when I got this unit were mostly just mic tests etc and right away I could hear a more focused tone. Had better highs and deeper lowend. Less distant, more 3D. Now to me that was night and day since I wasn't expecting to really even hear a difference in a single track.