Mixing guitars/bass/drums recorded with multiple mics!!!


Still Learning
Sep 26, 2003
Bogota, Colombia
Hello everyone!
Recently i have been recording guitars with multiple mics(Royer 121/MD421/SM57), and i was wondering how do you guys deal with those tracks at mix time. Do you EQ different each track? (hi pass one, low pass the other)or do you just balance the level of each track, regardless of the frequencies... Same with DI/Mic bass tracks, and Outside/Inside Kick mics, or snares recorded with 2 top mics(dynamic/condenser)... how do you guys treat such tracks frequency-wise? Thanks a lot for the help!!!
I'm a noob but I would say EQ everything on it's own. Of course, as always, use whatever sounds good: If you feel like you can get the sound you want by EQing groupchannels only than do it. :)
With the 121/57/421 combo, I would adjust the level of each one to get the sound before I would reach for EQ. Generally speaking, boosting the 57 will give you more mids, boosting the 421 will give you more highs and lows.

I would start with the 121 as the foundation. If you find that you need more of something, add in some 57 or 421. If you jsut can't get it with the levels, then I would send all three to a bus and EQ that.
I agree. I think you should be able to get it pretty close with your blend on the way in. I usually have one 57 as the meat of the sound, but sometimes I'll blend in a 421 or another 57, but it's almost always WAY lower than the main mic. Just get the best tone you can with one mic and then listen for what's missing.
Thanks a lot!!! i´ll try that... any tips on mixing kick drums recorded with, for example, Yamaha Sub-Kick outside, Audix D6 inside? Should i hi-pass the D6 and lest the oustside mic handle the lows? should i just adjust volumes?
yeah definatly
but seriously
bus the multiple mics to a single stereo bus and eq that
Thanks everyone... since this is a metal forum, i was asking this questions to see how you guys work with this issues to mix this kinda music... seems to be just like in any other genre i've worked on. Thanks a lot for the tips!!!