Recording live shows


Apr 11, 2006
Hey all,
Did a little search for this but couldnt find too much.
Im looking for something very portable that I can use to record live mixes. Im not talking about multi-track stuff, I dont want to be lugging around a full rig with me to every show, but Im thinking more something hand held that has XLR in to record out of matrices or record outs or whatever on a live console..
Ive done stuff into my laptop before, done stuff direct onto minidisk and CD and have used the record option on some digital consoles (MP3 record on LS9, etc) - decided it would be cool to have some recordings to offer bands or more so for a portfolio, etc..
If anyone knows of any decent recorders (could also be cool if it had a mic option built in as well, but most importantly XLR or jack in) please let me know!!
Dude, you really should considering offering board mixes and multitrack. I make A LOT of money off live recordings. I'd recommend an Mbox to start with, and you can always upgrade later to something with more inputs.
Yeah, I have an Mbox mini I have considered using, but I would rather something small and simple I can just chuck ontop of the console as I mix, rather than having my laptop and shit..