Recording midi with DDrum?


You said on the DUC that you tried to record Drums using midi from the Ddrum but the time wasn't right.

I would like to know how erratic was it?

I am also trying to record it through the Ddrum using Pro Tools but just to get a notation of it.
I will quantize the results to get it in the exact spot.

But the recording of it is way too wrong, when there are fast double bass drum patterns or drum rolls it just starts chooking.

What I monitor through SampleCell being recorded is alright, but when I press play to hear it, it is all wrong.

Is this what you experienced, or was it just miliseconds offset?

Hey Eddy,
I've had no luck recording midi into Pro Tools. You may want to try logic but I have a feeling it's cross talk on the ddrum 4, you may want to try some external dampners on the toms. I tried recording the analogue sound out the D Drum with the midi and played them both back simultaniously and the midi was way out.
PT6 is ment to be better but I suggest you wait till the bugs are ironed out.
Thanks for the answer Andy

I don't have any sequencer right now except Pro Tools.
I moved from the PC side ans I was using Cakewalk.
I am trying to choose one that I can work with a Mac and with a PC.
Logic was my first option, but after Apple bought Emagic there was no more PC support, so now I have to choose another one.

And did you tried the D4 for recording midi?

I tried it yesterday but I was having problems with the D4, I couldn't change some parameters like the gain of the triggers and the Xtalk.
I am not sure what is the problem.

Did you ever had a problem like that with your unit?

Did you ever heard about having problems with an Alesis unit because of not using an original power supply?

I did. :eek:

Best Regards,
Eddy (Eduardo Apolonia)
- Did you use at the time Ddrum triggers or from another brand?

- What samples did you use on the Killswitch engage album?

Great Sound!

- Is the BD sound only a sample?

- On the Skinlab Revolting Room the BD is not just a sample right?
It seems to me that it also has the miced sound.

Sorry for making so many questions.

Did you ever thought of giving lessons :)

Eddy (Eduardo Apolonia)