Recording unison guitar lines


Jan 29, 2012
Ok, this is a bit of an issue.

It's extremely difficult to play a unison part (dual tracking) to perfection so I'm wondering, is this something that is usually done on a lead channel when tracking?

Any suggestions?
I was wondering about this kind of thing the other day for a mix I've been working on. Anyone use vocal-style ADT on guitar leads for sustain?
Sorry, I'll clarify my query.

At 1.16 in my track above there is a unison section. What I'm wondering is: would this kind of part usually be recorded in the same way that rhythm guitars would be recorded (2 or more tracks panned) or would it instead be recorded on a lead channel (single track left centre).

Hope that makes things clearer. I was way too tired when I posted that last night.
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No rules, man. You can definitely pan them out for more separation, or center them both for a more unified harmony section. Think twin leads versus a Sabbath type thing. I like my harmony lines to be panned about 30% L and R. And then I bring in the Automation.
I double-track nearly everything just so I have it for the mix. If you're able, it's better to have more than you need just-in-case.
On most of my stuff I record 2 tracks of leads and pan them somewhere between the middle and hard left/right, even when they are the exact same notes.