Recording with 2 soundcards simultaneously


Proud Behringer User
Feb 19, 2012
so my friend realized that his computer's internal soundcard is capable of recording stereo and he can actually connect it to his behringer mixer.

he also have an USB interface that he usually record with.

how is it possible to record with both interfaces at the same time so he gets 4 inputs (2 USB, and 2 the stereo) into reaper?
I think it could be possible in Mac with some though work, but windows configuration is gay and only let's you work with 1 sound card at a time!
Figured out how to enable them together but can't get the onboard soundcard inputs to record. It records nothing when on ASIO4ALL.

When it's in DirectSound it works fine. Any ideas?

edit: got them to work together but i can't sync them up good enough that'll be reliable for recording.