Recording with a click track


Mar 16, 2004
This is my first post on the site although I am an Andy Sneap forum addict. How do you set up a click track when recording songs with seven to ten non-repeating parts, drastic time changes, and odd meters? I'm afraid that assembling the click will take longer than the entire recording process. I also don't know exactly HOW you set a click. Is there special software or something? I feel pretty stupid. My band has been releasing music for 13 years and I don't know this. Thanks for your help.
If you're using a daw you can pretty easily set up that changes by programming midi tempo changes. You have to figure out how many measures or beats occur before each change but after that the logistics are all in your manuals. Since you're dealing w/ odd time sigs it's easiest to deal exclusively w/ the total # of beats at a given tempo. With the midi you might have the time sig. set for 4/4 but if you make all counts the same sound (no accented 1) then the measure length can be ignored. That's what I do at least.
Thanks for the information. Unfortunately I didn't let you guys know what a primitive recording retard I am. I am now recording in my apartment in NYC with a 5150 combo with the master volume on 1/2 and a mini cassette recorder like doctors use for dictation. I want to make a click for each song for our next album so that I can not only play the click through the PA at rehearsal but also bring to our next recording session. I need to start from the ground up. I don't know what a daw is or what midi mapping is. Could you please let me know what I need from the ground up? Thanks for your patience.
Well heres a really simple way to do it.

Get guitar pro 4 and program a drum line with the same sound playing every beat. You can add tempo changes/time changes etc to it and it works pretty well. Save that as a midi and export to cubase or just use a piece of software that records midis as wavs/mp3s. There you have the tape with a click on the HD.
Hey Hopkins, Thanks for walking me through this. I think I'll go with the guitar pro 4. The last time my band was in the studio we had some tempo problems and it was a disaster and I've vowed to not let that happen again. Thanks