Rectifier w/o 6k? Clip for Marcus I guess

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
here's a little riff I've just quickly recorded...I just used the settings I had dialed in at rehearsal yesterday where I'm suing a brighter Cab, so these are a bit dark...didn't wanna take the time to tweak the knobs though ;)

Marcus does this file contain the 6k fizz that's annoying you?
I've changed one element in the chain and wanted to know if it's still got the 6k fizz that annoys marcus so often


not played very well etc, but it should suffice for the task.

no post EQ of course
Nice tone man.

When you quad-track, do you use the same settings per side? Do you pan both tracks 100% on each side?


Well it's always hard to tell when the tuning is so low (cheap shot :D), but I do still hear the fizz, though it's less pronounced (though I think that's because I find it a bit undergained, and also a touch muffled). Sounds strangely metallic too IMO, which is unusual for the Recto...

Now listening to the quad-tracked one, holy fuck does it sound fuller (understandably so, I guess :D Do you pan L100/L80/R100/R80?), but my feelings on the above still stand. Did you by any chance use passive pickups? :D Because I may be going out on a limb here, but I suspect you're trying to see if it's EMG's that cause that particular brand of fizz, but my feeling is it's inherent into the amp, and different pickups just change how much they drive the amp into that point, but only subtly (and to me the biggest indicator is the fizz is there in even greater force in the impulses I made from the power amp in modern mode).
Well it's always hard to tell when the tuning is so low (cheap shot :D), but I do still hear the fizz, though it's less pronounced (though I think that's because I find it a bit undergained, and also a touch muffled). Sounds strangely metallic too IMO, which is unusual for the Recto...

Now listening to the quad-tracked one, holy fuck does it sound fuller (understandably so, I guess :D Do you pan L100/L80/R100/R80?), but my feelings on the above still stand. Did you by any chance use passive pickups? :D Because I may be going out on a limb here, but I suspect you're trying to see if it's EMG's that cause that particular brand of fizz, but my feeling is it's inherent into the amp, and different pickups just change how much they drive the amp into that point, but only subtly (and to me the biggest indicator is the fizz is there in even greater force in the impulses I made from the power amp in modern mode).

Damn Marcus, respect!
if you wouldn't have mentioned that "metallic" bit I'd have called you out, but I gotta admit that you know why you like or don't like an amp!

the part in the chain I changed btw was the're hearing a JSX on ultra channel (gain on 3)
HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHA, holy fuck, I can't believe it, you tricky bitch Lasse :lol: Thanks for the props man, and yeah, I definitely know why I don't like the JSX alright! :D
Haha I knew it sounds a bit weird for a recto. I actually like that metallic sound to it. I don't perceive it as a holy grail kind of tone but a very fresh vibey tone that could fit an Exodus style production.
Haha I knew it sounds a bit weird for a recto. I actually like that metallic sound to it. I don't perceive it as a holy grail kind of tone but a very fresh vibey tone that could fit an Exodus style production.

Eh, never been much of an Exodus fan (or most thrash), which might explain my distaste for the tonez - but apparently Gary Holy does use a XXX, so I guess you two are on the same wavelength! :D
FTR, I still love the character and tone of the 2 ch. Dual, and I'd still rather have one than any Peavey (easier to eq out the 6k fizz than the metallic qualities of the JSX/XXX, or trying to inject some sort of character into the oppressively smooth 5150, that amp to me is like the ultimate yes-man :lol: Though LosingReality's clips have a lot more upper-mid chunk to their character that I REALLY like, maybe it's cuz he uses a 5150 combo...). I just ditched my 2 ch because I think it's pretty likely the Roadster will offer almost the same tone sans the fizz! :headbang: (unfortunately it'll be awhile before I can afford one :()
FTR, I still love the character and tone of the 2 ch. Dual, and I'd still rather have one than any Peavey (easier to eq out the 6k fizz than the metallic qualities of the JSX/XXX, or trying to inject some sort of character into the oppressively smooth 5150, that amp to me is like the ultimate yes-man :lol: Though LosingReality's clips have a lot more upper-mid chunk to their character that I REALLY like, maybe it's cuz he uses a 5150 combo...). I just ditched my 2 ch because I think it's pretty likely the Roadster will offer almost the same tone sans the fizz! :headbang: (unfortunately it'll be awhile before I can afford one :()
