Red Dwarf

its a brilliant british comedy which started in the late 80s. just, brilliant.

First series wasn't overly great (to me), but after that it was top notch.
I'm hearing only disappointment about the new episode, I managed to miss it, hopefully it'll be repeated at some point soon.
All 3 will be repeated back to back on Monday night on Dave, at 9pm and followed by the 'making of'

It wasn't brilliant but I never expected it to be....the first episode has set things up for getting back to earth.
i watched some clips. never thought id say this, but it needs the canned laughter, or a live audience. It just doesn't work with the silences after jokes. sounds stupid but its true.

seems more like an episode of coronation street (how ironic)
2nd episode was a bit better.....but not a big fan of the 'product placement' element that is in it. It's coming across as an advertisement for the DVD and for the channel (Dave) a bit too much.
It wasn't bad but it seems a forced to me. I missed tonights one so I'll have to watch them all on Monday. The guys actaully don't look like they've aged at all since the last episode haha.
Red dwarf was such a good programme, first series was alright, 2nd series was better and then the 3rd series NAILED IT and it was perfect comedy until bloody kochanski showed up and it became shit.

and the new episodes were a quite easy continuation of that shitness. it was TERRIBLE, why must they drag up old quality things that are so well loved and ruin the memory of them? still, it pretty easy to forget theyve made it and just go on believing it never happened. denial is wonderful.

lets get out there and TWAT IT!
I thought it was great, didn't care one bit about the product placement. I also thought it was funny that they tagged the channel as "Dave Lister". Could have done with the canned laughter, and the only other thing I thought was a bit cheap was the re-use of a major bit of old storyline.

But to be fair, it's just a laugh. If you want an epic production go watch Lord Of The Rings or some shit, Red Dwarf was always about being made on a budget of 20 quid.