Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Red Sparowes – At the Soundless Dawn
Neurot Recordings – nr-035 – February 22nd, 2005
By Jason Jordan


Birds piss me off. They crap on my car, wake me up in the morning when I have my windows open, and have the audacity to sit on power lines without getting electrocuted. Naturally, I was put off by the band name that Red Sparowes use, but if members of Isis and Neurosis are involved then I’m game. And I’m so glad I was.

The song titles on At the Soundless Dawn compose a cool little story that is aching to be told here, though – for the sake of brevity – I’m not going to do that. Even a band like The Chariot has failed to provide longer song names on more than one occasion. Anyhow, as you might expect, Red Sparowes don’t sound too far removed from the crescendo-laden Isis or the sprawling Neurosis, which is yet another positive attribute. I felt right at home in “Alone and Unaware, the Landscape was Transformed in Front of Our Eyes,” because the complex-but-somehow-simplistic instrumentation is enthralling. Just like the aforesaid bands, though, this group has the propensity to bob and weave until they reach their intended destination. Rest assured, you’re going to want to be there when they do reach that location. Also, the guys aren’t afraid of upping the pace in “Buildings Began to Stretch Wide Across the Sky, and the Air Filled with a Reddish Glow.” The vocalizations are hidden underneath the multiple layers of instrumentation, which makes them nearly indecipherable, and luckily the pomposity tends to be low. In addition, it’s noteworthy that the music does manage to match the respective song titles, which is a gargantuan feat to attempt.

Those of you that are still here (the ones that didn’t leave after I mentioned the slowcore acts), will treasure At the Soundless Dawn. It’s obstinate in places, but is nevertheless an album that gushes with quality. Red Sparowes – the only species of bird I’m willing to embrace wholeheartedly.


Official Red Sparowes Website
Official Neurot Recordings Website
Scourge of Malice said:
I've only heard two or three songs off it, but I think im finally going to go purchase it today! Aren't the song titles supposed to fit together as one paragraph?

Yes. Very cohesive song titles.
Dr. Abner Mality said:
Slowcore...must stay awake...must stay...mussszzzzzzzz...zzzzzz o_O
Ridiculous. Have you even listened to it or are you just assuming that it's 'slowcore'? They don't even play that slowly or anything, i don't understand what you're referring to.