Redemption Drummer Steps out from the Drum Kit to Deliver Solo Album
From Chris Quirarte, the drummer of Redemption and Prymary comes his solo debut album entitled "Mending Broken Bridges". Completely written and produced by Chris Quirarte the album features guest performances by Don Schiff (Rocket Scientists), Randy George (The Neal Morse Band) , Ed Platt (Enchant), Nick Van Dyk (Redemption) , Bernie Versailles (Redemption, Agent Steel) , Sean Entrikin (Prymary), and Sean Andrews (Redemption). The album lyrically deals with themes of relationships in different states of disarray and deterioration. Musically the album covers a wide area with the sounds of progressive metal and old school prog.
“I had a lot of music that I was writing without a real outlet to channel it into”, says drummer, keyboardist, and vocalist Chris Quirarte. “Both my bands Redemption and Prymary were on extended hiatus and I found myself getting restless. I began amassing a lot of music that I was really excited about and I felt that I was personally breaking some new ground in my songwriting. I tried unsuccessfully to find local musicians and form a new band. After much thought I realized that I would forgo the band route and make a solo album. I may first and foremost be a drummer but this is not a drummer’s album. This is a very vocal-oriented album and it really allowed me the opportunity to express myself as a vocalist.”
When it came to getting some musician’s to lend a hand Chris did not have to look far. As Chris explain ,”Luckily for me I had a lot of friends to call on for help. Obviously the guys in my bands Redemption and Prymary were no brainers. I’ve known Ed Platt for years and love his playing in Enchant. I really wanted him to contribute. Randy George was someone I had played with a couple of years ago and when I felt I really needed that old punchy prog bass, I turned to him. Don Schiff was someone I played in Rocket Scientists with and he has a beautiful NS Stick instrument that just produces the most amazing sound. He added so much color and creativity to the tracks.
Another important decision Chris made was to illicit help from the KickStarter community which specializes in funding projects by fans making donations.. As Chris explains “ I really needed funding but I was really apprehensive about asking for a money. Its very humbling to walk with hand out , asking for people to blindly support and pay for something they haven’t even heard yet. I cannot begin to thank all of the people that donated to fund. It really amazes me. I suppose that speaks to the true champions of art out there in the world.”
The final ingredient was a uniting theme not so apparent at first. “I have always written lyrics of a personal nature and this was no different, comments Chris on the how the lyrics came together. I was thinking about relationships how they can fall apart so easily if not maintained. Whether it’s with a spouse, partner, loved one, for friend, they all require work from both sides and it can creates lots of resentment and misunderstanding if the balance is not maintained. A sadder truth is that complacency can set in and people can live like this for years and never have real happiness. It was only when all the lyrics were done that a unifying theme appeared and the songs could fit together like a conceptual whole. A song like “Half Life” is about a couple that have become so cold to each other that they have lost all love. Yet they can neither leave each other because they have grown comfortable in there loveless relationship and have lost the will to think that life can offer anything more.” While dark in the nature of the emotions the album does remain hopeful. “Songs like “Mending Broken Bridges” and “When is it Time” are all about the struggle to surpass the feeling of betrayal and regret to reach a level of peace and forgiveness.”
With feet firmly planted in the progressive rock/metal world and lyrics based on the feelings of loss and regret “Mending Broken Bridges” album will surely take you on an journey of emotional discovery.
“Mending Broken Bridges is available now online at:
Listen hear to "Dark in the Light"
