Refuse To Be........


Sep 11, 2002
Hartford, CT C-Town!
I think this song is pretty good. There is really an Armored Saint feel to the chorus. Which is great. Great job goes out to the band for the arrangement, I love the acoustic breaks.... I think I'm going to have to steal that Idea for one of my own songs....hahaha
But really there is no doubt that the next record is going to be awesome. . .listening to that song and listening to Super Here (live boot) you can tell. And yes I love the words, once again great credit for making those words work with the song. Awesome.
Anthrax 4 Life nigga what ?????
Welcome to the board, man.
Yes, "Refuse to Be Denied" is good. Actually, it fucking RULES!
Glad we have yet another Anthrax fan here.